Saturday, July 31, 2004
Am siting at my colleague's desk rite now...basically something is wrong with my own pc, and i can't do anything constructive today it seems....wasting my time here...if only i can leave now...i'm like super deprived of sleep.... slept late last nite...cos i was online, and i was chatting with a fren on the phone...*yawn* And early this morning, got disturbed by Autumn's barking...i woke up, grabbed the newpaper, and gave her a tight whack! She has been doing tat the past few days, and i always end up waking up earlier than my supposed time....shucks...
Anyway, jus got my pay cheque...feeling richer, haha...there are so many things tat i wanna buy, but yet so little money... sometimes i really wish tat i was born a qian jing xiao jie, which simply means a gurl born with a silver spoon...then i can buy anything i want...hee...but since this is not the case, i should jus stop dreaming and snap back to reality, where i have to pay lots of bills, worry about not saving enough money, worry about my diminishing bank account, worry about school fees, worry about spending too much on unneccessary stuffs (which i lack),...worry about not performing well enough at work...basically life is definitely not a bed of roses...
I've been thru some obstacles in my different variations...big and small...i would say in the early years of my life, everything has been pretty smooth sailing, until my teenage years...then did i started having problems. However, they were still alrite, as long as i don't demand too much in life... Then when i was in poly, as most of you guys know, my dad became very this was the biggest obstacle to overcome, i could not bear the thought of loosing my dad, and it was torturing jus to look at him suffer. Its like, when i'm home, the word "depression" is all over the place...i guess my mum and I were jus not as cheerful like we used to be....wat with the huge amount of medical bills to pay, the stressful life at work (yes, i was in the worst job in the whole wide world at tat time), the sufferings tat my dad had to go through...was almost breaking us down...until finally, he was called home to the Lord.
No doubt, i'm not as lucky as some of my chums, or other people who have a worry-free life, but somehow, i feel tat i have grown a lot from everything tat i have faced, including spiritually... I learnt to be more independent and mentally stronger... like i'm prepared to take anything tat comes my way, and i'll fight till the very end...i'll make sure... Given a choice, i don't mind taking this route again(crazy?), for i know, everything happens for a reason. It happened for me to learn to be more determined, which has always been my dad's wish. I also learnt to be calm when a problem arises. And lastly, i learn to draw closer to GOD.... which is probably the factor tat got my dad and i even closer.
To some of my good friends, they told me before, tat they will crumble under such situations, and cannot imagine how hard i've been holding on. They said tat i needed to cry it out sometimes...agreeable, but i guess, its no point doing tat, i jus have to remain strong and positive for my dad.
Last but not least, i got to know who are the people tat stood by me during this difficult times...and i know they will stand by me always, giving me moral support. I know tat i can cry in front of them, and not feel ashamed, cos tat's wat they are there for...i will always remember tat, and feel grateful always. To the people who were with me tat time, u know who u are...don't think i need to publish tat, and you should also know tat i will be there for u in times of need too!(touch wood)...*winks* Luv ya to bits!
P.S: the quote below is definitely true. Like i said, i know who are the people who have been standing by me, and i'm glad to have u guys in my life.
"Adversity is the test of true friendship"
Lady Syl scribbled at
11:36 AM
At 4:32 PM,
Fifi Zhang said…
Hey Hey... My first post on your blog yeah...ehehhe...Okie, am gonna make this real quick...Ah-hem... DOnt rush me yah...hmm..where to start leh?? eheheh...okie lah...
I didn't know u are sort of an "animal abuser" ...How can u WHACK yr Autumn like that??? U "Cruel Sylivera" ...ahahah.. maybe u can try smooching her with onions and garlic?? Bet she will stay away from u for days man!!! lolz
Okie, my main point here is... I'm glad to know you're stepping out of the grey clouds and onto the cottony white ones... where Light shall be your guide...
At 11:46 AM,
Syl - Breseis said…
Yup hl, i'm glad everything is the next studies and fees...haha, but tat shouldn't be too tough...thing everything should be settled....jus afraid of wat the future will bring...but then again, i'll face up to anything tat comes... =P
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