Saturday, July 31, 2004
Am siting at my colleague's desk rite now...basically something is wrong with my own pc, and i can't do anything constructive today it seems....wasting my time here...if only i can leave now...i'm like super deprived of sleep.... slept late last nite...cos i was online, and i was chatting with a fren on the phone...*yawn* And early this morning, got disturbed by Autumn's barking...i woke up, grabbed the newpaper, and gave her a tight whack! She has been doing tat the past few days, and i always end up waking up earlier than my supposed time....shucks...
Anyway, jus got my pay cheque...feeling richer, haha...there are so many things tat i wanna buy, but yet so little money... sometimes i really wish tat i was born a qian jing xiao jie, which simply means a gurl born with a silver spoon...then i can buy anything i want...hee...but since this is not the case, i should jus stop dreaming and snap back to reality, where i have to pay lots of bills, worry about not saving enough money, worry about my diminishing bank account, worry about school fees, worry about spending too much on unneccessary stuffs (which i lack),...worry about not performing well enough at work...basically life is definitely not a bed of roses...
I've been thru some obstacles in my different variations...big and small...i would say in the early years of my life, everything has been pretty smooth sailing, until my teenage years...then did i started having problems. However, they were still alrite, as long as i don't demand too much in life... Then when i was in poly, as most of you guys know, my dad became very this was the biggest obstacle to overcome, i could not bear the thought of loosing my dad, and it was torturing jus to look at him suffer. Its like, when i'm home, the word "depression" is all over the place...i guess my mum and I were jus not as cheerful like we used to be....wat with the huge amount of medical bills to pay, the stressful life at work (yes, i was in the worst job in the whole wide world at tat time), the sufferings tat my dad had to go through...was almost breaking us down...until finally, he was called home to the Lord.
No doubt, i'm not as lucky as some of my chums, or other people who have a worry-free life, but somehow, i feel tat i have grown a lot from everything tat i have faced, including spiritually... I learnt to be more independent and mentally stronger... like i'm prepared to take anything tat comes my way, and i'll fight till the very end...i'll make sure... Given a choice, i don't mind taking this route again(crazy?), for i know, everything happens for a reason. It happened for me to learn to be more determined, which has always been my dad's wish. I also learnt to be calm when a problem arises. And lastly, i learn to draw closer to GOD.... which is probably the factor tat got my dad and i even closer.
To some of my good friends, they told me before, tat they will crumble under such situations, and cannot imagine how hard i've been holding on. They said tat i needed to cry it out sometimes...agreeable, but i guess, its no point doing tat, i jus have to remain strong and positive for my dad.
Last but not least, i got to know who are the people tat stood by me during this difficult times...and i know they will stand by me always, giving me moral support. I know tat i can cry in front of them, and not feel ashamed, cos tat's wat they are there for...i will always remember tat, and feel grateful always. To the people who were with me tat time, u know who u are...don't think i need to publish tat, and you should also know tat i will be there for u in times of need too!(touch wood)...*winks* Luv ya to bits!
P.S: the quote below is definitely true. Like i said, i know who are the people who have been standing by me, and i'm glad to have u guys in my life.
"Adversity is the test of true friendship"
Lady Syl scribbled at
11:36 AM
Friday, July 30, 2004
First and foremost, thanks Tony for the NDP preview tix, my mum loves to watch it, and i can't thank you enough for making my mum's nite!!
Anyway, today's u can see from the title, I'm pissed! Yes, i absolutely hate promise breakers to the core...i hate it when someone says "yes" to a certain thing and does not fulfill it... don't say "you can", "you will", "i promise", "okie", "yes", when u don't mean it...or change your mind gets frustrating...very frustrating....and i'll remember you for jus crumbles the confidence i have in tat person....unless there is a super valid reason... and i really mean valid reason...
Sorry if i sound, nasty, but i guess....i jus hate it, tat's all... I like people who are firm decision makers. I am one who makes decisions fast, the extend tat my dad said tat i'm too impulsive, agreeable...certain decisions tat i make have backfired...but i guess life is all about taking risks...although not too much....contradicting eh???
I guess i jus can't take too much precious time trying to decide on something...for if i take too long, i might jus end up with nothing at all.... sometimes its good to jus let nature take its course... after all, we can't predict wat is gonna happen in future, no matter how much you plan about it. Like i said, sometimes, they jus backfire....sad, but real...and you can't do anything about it.
Okie enough said about tat, let me continue on to my next thot tat i'm pondering i was chatting with a friend over msn today... we kinda talked about relationships...we chatted about a girl who was two timing her boyfriend...well...seriously speaking, two timers should be shot into oblivion and never be seen on the face of the earth ever again...apparently these people are selfish enough not to care, or even take consideration about other peoples' feelings. Somehow, probably, they feel tat in this way, they can have more choices or selections, to see which guy/ gurl is a better one...watever... it could also be due to tat they feel tat they are pretty/ handsome enough, and like the kind of attention they get from the opposite sex, and don't care to hoots about wat or how their partner feels...these are the shittest people around...wat kind of achievement do u get by two timing?? The World's Greatest Two-timer??
Another thing we chatted about is attraction to the opposite sex based on appearance. True, nobody would like to be known as an ugly duckling, in fact we would like to look perfect in the eyes of everyone, and especially guys (i didn't say all guys here, so don't start to argue), are damn realistic about wanting a babelicious gurl as their gf. Firstly, i don't understand why should character of a person take second place compared to appearance, secondly, are you yourself realistic about your own looks, tat you see yourself compatible with only the top notch good -lookers?? C'mon, even if u managed to score with a hot and sexy gal, if your own character sux, you won't have her in your arms for long! And i will be there, pointing at u, and lauging hard! Ha!
Okie, think i better stop here for now, I've been talking too the friend tat i chatted with this afternoon ( u know who u are), its been great chatting with u! I look forward to more chatting session with u and when u return to SG...hugz...
"In the race of life, it takes discipline to finish strong"
Lady Syl scribbled at
12:14 PM
Thursday, July 29, 2004 is only Thursday, can't wait for it to be Saturday already...oh yeah went for my orientation on Tuesday, met Ailin at Paya Lebar MRT station, by the time we reached Tekka Mall, it was already about 6.40pm, we realised tat we only have a few more minutes to eat our dinner before the orientation starts at 7pm! As we wanted to avoid eating BK, we decided to eat yong tau foo at the food court....we ate like there's no tomorrow, but yet we couldn't finish our food! The soup was super hot and the bee hoon was never ending! It was such a comical sight and we learnt our lesson, never eat soupy stuffs when u are rushing....its super torturing! Haha...
Anyway went for the orientation, and it was nothing much, it was more on telling us about SHRI and about Curtin uni. And the whole thing ended at 8pm! Ailin and I were both super "dui", in a sense tat we should have eaten our dinner after the whole thing was over, but we had totally no clue wat time it would end...sigh... wat a day...but still can't wait for classes to start...
Anyway, was reading a friend's blog and she commented on how she felt restrained by her over protective mum, as she's not really able to travel overseas with her friends, or school...well,
i agree tat it can get pretty frustrating when parents restrict your freedom, but in this case, i guess the main reason is LOVE. For me, my mum does not restrict my freedom at all, which i am grateful to her, its jus tat from time to time...maybe she will tell me to spend more time at home, and tat she misses me...I understand how she feels, as the home is really pretty quiet. Even like now, i'm gonna start classes soon, which means even lesser time of being at fact i really do feel bad about tat...
I guess being an adult (21 yrs and above), one will usually feel tat they shouldn't be controlled by their parents anymore, and jus live their own lives...but probably if we switch shoes and be in our parents' role, we will understand tat no matter how old we are, be it 5 months or even 50 years of age, we will still always remain a "baby" in their eyes.
I can jus imagine my mum's worry when i'm away, constantly checking her hp to see if she missed any calls from me, or even waiting up till the wee hours of the nite till i'm back or call....jus to make sure tat i am safe... i guess rite now, we may not be able to appreciate or rather take for granted wat our love ones have done for us. As wat the saying goes "familarity breeds contempt". How about taking a minute to sit down and really think through the moments tat we snap at them or tell them to stop nagging.... jus becos they are concern for us, its really not their fault...
Yeah, u may say tat being on the outside world, you will be able to be more independent, and grow, and yeah definitely, it will change your character... but i guess, sometimes, these things are really not worth it, when they affect your loves ones, and people around u tat are concern for u... how about looking at other areas to grow??? Like for me, i always have this wish to go overseas to study, for the experience, or even to work there.... and definitely, its also my wish to be able to migrate..cos life in singapore is getting tiring... but then wat will happen to my mum?? If she's alone here, i gotta change my plans, unless she's going with me... i can't be so bent on going and jus leave her here alone.... I will be GUILT STRICKEN for sure! Even let's talk about staying in a different place when i get married, frankly speaking, i'm not sure i bear to do tat too...if i'm buying a new house... most likely i will get her to go with me...instead of having the constant worry of her being by herself....watever heppens to her, i will not know immediately unless i visit her... which in any case, might be too late....she's not getting any younger....
Another thing is tat, communication is important here, if we absolutely have to do something tat is against our parents' idea, i guess we can try to talk to them, and try to get them to understand, i'm sure this will be very much better...
Okie, think i should stop here. To whoever tat is reading this entry, please jus take it as a discussion, based on my personal feelings, not something tat i'm confronting u about, these are jus some thots tat i'm pondering about, which applies to everyone... u are free to leave any comments! =P
Lastly, i jus wanna thank mummy for everything, there are times when i can't stand your nagging, your sensitive nature, but still, you are always my mummy, and I LOVE U! I know i do not show this enough to u, but u should know lah huh.... =P Btw i think the quote below, really applies to how our parents care for us... have a great day all!
"If you doubt tat Jesus cares, remember his tears"
Lady Syl scribbled at
10:37 AM
Monday, July 26, 2004
Blogging time again....whoa i had a busy weekend...on sat, went to Changi Hospital to draw tat i can go for my regular checkup on wednesday...luckily the nurse was able to take my blood easily...cos my blood is well known to be damn stubborn, as in its really difficult for them to come out due to my running veins!! Shucks....always so painful when i'm drawing my blood...After taking my blood, went with my mum to HDB Hub at Toa sign some legal papers...and also went to take a look at the make it look so darn nice! And i think its really worth buying...except for the distance...cos these new houses are always located at some far end of Singapore...anyway after tat....met up with Bong to have lunch together...and also went for a movie...finally got to watch King Arthur!! Quite a good movie....but i still prefer Troy!! Brad Pitt is jus so yummylicious can....hehe....
After movie...went to Bong's grandma's house for steamboat! Talked a bit to his uncle and his cute children...they are nice =P
On Sunday, super duper early in the morning, went to the zoo with my Bong, mum and relatives for a charity walk and jog...organised by was great, cos i have been wanting to go to the zoo for a long time...haven't been there for like 10 over years! It was also great cos its like a family gathering...and being with them is always fun...especially Michelle, who's always such a bubble of joy...hee! After tat, we toured the zoo and finally all of us were feeling damn we took a cab home... went home and zzzz......the rest of the time is jus slacking away at home.... is Monday...really didn't feel like going to work man... but anyway i was kinda busy at work...didn't even have time to feel sleepy after lunch!! Haha...and the auditor came today also...he's gonna be here in my office for a few days...sigh...i don't like auditors at all...they give me the impression tat they are fierce, demanding...irritating..but apparently, this guy is totally different, he's really polite and soft spoken...haha...anyway he will bug my accountant, not dun care! After work, went to meet Bong at Toa Payoh, had dinner, bought some stuffs at NTUC and went home...watched my weekly dose of FRIENDS!! usual..they are all so crappy! Okies...gotta go zzz already...still gotta go work and go for orientation for my course tomorrow!!! Nites all.....
"Today's thoughts are tomorrow's actions. Today's jealousy is tomorrow's temper tantrum. Today's bigotry is tomorrow's hate crime. Today's anger is tomorrow's abuse. Today's lust is tomorrow's adultery. Today's greed is tomorrow's embezzleement. Today's guilt is tomorrow's fear." Max Lucado
Lady Syl scribbled at
11:19 PM
 This is my new haircut! Really short yeah.... =P Me!
Lady Syl scribbled at
11:19 PM
Thursday, July 22, 2004
Back....back from the wonderful beaches of Tioman...not ecstatic at all....why can't i stay there longer!!! Tat place has the cleanest beaches i have ever seen in my entire life!! Goodness, jus look at the water! Jus by siting on the boat and looking down, u can already see the colourful fishes and the corals! I went snorkelling and it jus gets better and better! U can see the school of fishes swimming around...the sea cucumbers...the sea urchins....basically i went to really deep waters, and it was really exciting...and yes....even on deep waters, u can still see many feet down do i really feel tat east coast beach sux!! Haha...i also went jet skiing, kayaking....sigh...i'm already missing it sooooo much! However our hotel room was like infested with clumsy blood sucking mini jetplanes....tat really got onto my nerves!! I can wake up like a few times in one nite jus to kill them.. but they are pretty easy to kill...thankfully!! I hate it when they try to make music in my ears!
Basically i'm like super dark from all the sun tanning and exposure to the dangerous UV rays! But i like it, it makes me look healthier...i feel i look better...i like it especially when i wear white colour clothes, cos the contrast is very obvious, hee... okie enough about Tioman...
Had another day's off yesterday to rest, Bong had another day off we bathed Autumn together, missed her sooo much during my holiday... oh she was really happy to see me and Bong back home, she kept jumping up and down...haha... okie after bathing her, washed up and went for lunch at Pasta Mania at Parkway Parade, had Crayfish Pasta...can't beat Swenson's one though...then went to Suntec to shop around, bought a nice fruity tutty skirt from Iora, then went to watch Mean Girls, haha....a great movie tat shouldn't be missed, its really quite funny and touching...then later went for Bible Study with Jia, while Bong went to a farewell dinner with some of his army friends, also at Suntec...after BS, took a bus and went back home....pretty tired...
Today...back at work....this is totally SIAN! i'm still in the holiday mood...have no wish to work at all...come back and saw tat there are like 53 emails waiting for me to read....sux...gonna be busy for the rest of next week, gotta prepare the usual month end stuffs and also look for suitabke candidates to fill up the position of one of my colleagues who's leaving. Was shocking news....but i guess, tat's life...u find a better prospect, u move on...tat's wat i intend to do too...probably a year into my studies...i will try to look for a full HR job...jus hoping tat God will lead me step by step....think i'm gonna start classes on august 13th...tat's like super fast....haha...I'm excited yet nervous tat i may not be able to cope. Aiyah....jus see how it goes...shall not think about it now...
Anyway BS was good last nite...Pastor Prince, as usual was funny and crappy... but i guess tat always makes BS so much more interesting... Okies....shall eat my lunch now....still damn super sian....luckily tomorrow is the weekend liao.....yay!
"Thy love is like a sweet, gentle breeze caressing the very essence of my soul."
Lady Syl scribbled at
11:34 PM
Friday, July 16, 2004
Yesterday was Huijia's "big" day, cos it's the day tat she officially graduates and is also officially known as a working adult! How time really flies! Anyway i took a half day off from work yesterday jus to attend her graduation ceremony...but i really wished i had taken a full day off instead as it was raining cats and dogs early in the morning!!! I was super tempted to jus sleep in and not go to work....sigh...
The environment in the office yesterday was pretty tense cos one of my colleagues was not really speaking to me and another colleague, and the thing is we don't even know why??!!! So the office became really quiet and we jus did our own stuffs....weird rite?? Hmm....never mind, so i decided to pray today while on the way to work tat everything will be alrite, and guess wat, she's speaking to us as per normal again!!! Yay! So happy!
Anyway back to Jia's graduation ceremony, i went with Hueyling, Xinyi, Ricia and of cos we can't miss out on Jia's parents! But Hueyling and I sat seperately from the rest cos we were late...haha...sollie!!!! But we really couldn't get a cab, and the nerve of Hueyling to suggest tat we call for a Silver Cab, and we had to wait for at least 15mins!!!!!! Anyway, the whole ceremony lasted for abt an hour plus, and the sucky thing is, beside us, there were these 2 guys who clapped for every one who went on stage, and they clapped with the hollow sound tat was super deafening! It seems tat every graduant there are their friends! *&@%^$ ...then after tat, we had some photo taking session, think Jia must have felt like a celebrity! After the whole thing was over, we all went to Jia's new house at Chilton Park, nice and cosy place...waited for Jia to wash up, then went to J8 to Crystal Jade restarant where Jia's parents gave us all a treat. Yummylicious food man!! Oh and Xinyi had to keep asking Jia's mum to eat, haha....but we could tell tat Jia's mum was very happy over the company from us, hee.... After dinner, we seperated from her parents and went to City hall area for some drinks. We wanted to go to News Asia Bar, but it was full house! So we ended up going to EMbargo instead. But we didn;t stay really long cos we were getting tired.... I myself really enjoyed Xinyi's and Ricia's company, they are such jokers, oh yah the whole nite we were practically talking about breasts enlargements! Our conclusion is to massage the breasts everyday for an hour, until our hands till numb, hahahahahaha! So i think Xinyi might be interested to try it....hey do let me know the results after tat okie...i need enlargements myself!! =P Must turn mine into a C Cup too!.....hahahaha! As for Ricia and Hueyling, good luck in reducing yours, haha. Probably can donate to me. =P
Ricia will be going back to Australia soon for her last lap of studies before graduating at the end of the year, all the best Ricia, hang in there, u are gonna wear the graduation gown and hat soon! So u better plan wat hairstyle to have!! Haha....gonna miss ya...
A pity tat Yiling couldn't join us yesterday cos her eyes were swollen....hope u are feeling better now well...last but not least, Congrates Jia!! All the best in your your career!
"Actions speak louder than bumper stickers"
Lady Syl scribbled at
11:21 AM
Wednesday, July 14, 2004
 Okie, i'm in love with myself if tat makes u happy....=P Me!
Lady Syl scribbled at
11:33 PM
 Jus Being a narcissist Me!
Lady Syl scribbled at
11:29 PM
Sigh...finally its the mid week...damn tiring...i feel so half dead...anyway went to NUS on Sunday, which left me aching all over after tat. I had fun though, think tennis is a really good sport, u get to work out your whole body! And yah....sweat like a pig...haha! I snipped off my hair again finally!! This time its really short! Its been a really long time since i cut my hair so short!! As far as i remember, the last time i cut my hair this short was in primary school. But i kinda like this style, i think i suit short hair better. Its slightly like Sun yanzi's kinda hair when she jus started with her first album. And i've always like tat hairstyle of her's. Feeling so light headed now =P
Anyway *yawn* jus now i was reading someone's blog, not gonna state any names here...but anyway she has jus posted her most recent blog, and she was really mad with her bf, as the bf always do things without first discussing with her or telling her about it. This leaves me sooo thankful tat Bong never does tat. He will always discuss with me, be it about his education, his working life, or money matters. I feel tat as a couple, they should be transparent with each other. In this way, there will be trust. Initially i was the one having problems with confiding in Bong, especially when i was unhappy about something, he literally has to pry something out of my mouth. My problem is tat, I jus felt like keeping these feelings to myself, when i should talk to him about it. Sometimes i still have such problems, but i really wanna change, i guess with more communication between a couple, the relationship will grow stronger. And its rite, usually after having a talk with Bong, i feel so much better, and relieved...especially when i'm having some doubts or when I'm really mad at something he has done. I jus wanna give him a big hug after tat! =P At times, after discussing, i will realise tat certain things, i'm actually in the wrong, not times, it feels like i'm the unreasonable one...haha! But i will definitely try to change! I hope things will turn out better for the couple i was talking about....all the best...
Sigh...been missing Bong, he's got an exercise in camp, so can't meet these few days...but nevermind, gonna go Tioman on Sunday!! Can't wait to see...the sun...the sand...and the sea!! Oh yah, i'm already geared with my bikini, haha, gonna get myself a tan! I even bought a sun tanning lotion!!! haha.... Not gonna be too dark...jus want a healthy looking the journey to Tioman is gonna be quite long...i hope i dun vomit in the coach or ferry man...=S
I miss Autumn!! My doggie...hehe..she stayed at my cousin's place for a nite as she was a model for my cousin's photo shoot for her flowers and hampers...tat's how cute my doggie is, hee....she has been so playful these few days...and she's getting smarter! She can now fetch, sit when we tell her to, jump up and down the learning to "stay" when i tell her to...soon i'm gonna teach her to "come", hehe....she's a hunting dog, therefore is smart and can learn things very her so much!
Ooh Bong jus called, gonna meet him for dinner tonite before he has to head back to camp for tat exercise, hehe...okies, shall blog till here....gonna finish work in an hour!!! Yay!
"Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things." 1 Corinthians 12:4-7
Lady Syl scribbled at
2:58 PM
Saturday, July 10, 2004
Okie finally, after so long...time to blog again..well, was sick at the start of the week...was on mc on Tuesday, couldn't take it...was sneezing like crazy...had sore throat, and later coughed my lungs out...
Sigh...i really really wanna buy lotsa stuff! I wanna buy bags, shoes and i'm also in a dilema...whether to have a hair cut or to leave it long again...hmmm...think set, i should jus cut it short again, more funky, hahahaha.....maybe try a more jap hairstyle...dunno if i suit it, but its okie, i trust my hair stylist anyway...going to her for a haircut is like therapy, haha! She makes me feel beautiful...haha, wat crap...Oh yeah, i jus got my offer letter from Curtin!!!! And guess wat, i was exempted for 4 modules! Tat's like more than i thought i will get, and even better, the fees per module is discounted for this year! Praise God! I prayed so hard tat the whole situation will be made easier for me...first, to be able to afford the fees, which i now know tat i won't have any problems for tat, secondly to let me finish the course asap, which i know will definitely take faster! Now, the next challenge is for me to be able to handle the stress and pressure in order for me to excel even though i'm also having a full time job...i really hope to be able to cope! Okie, i shall pray for tat...GOD help me! Then i'll be studying with Ailin, think we should definitely be able to encourage each other, wake each other up in class(haha), do projects together, get stressed together, get black eye rings together....haha....i guess we'll support each other mentally definitely...she's a great gal friend to have! Lurve her loads...
Oh yeah, talking about studies, Janet is finally back from Australia! She's has finally graduated! So the whole gang of us, Laylin, Felicia, Angela, Huixin, Janet and i are sort of complete again, its great to have her back =P
Anyway watched The Whole Ten Yards today, it has one of my favourite actor, Mathew Perry! Its a really funny show, loved it! I also wanna watch Mean Girls...hmm...dunno when can i watch also...see how...okies gotta go bathe...shall blog again soon...oh yah!! I'm gonna go play tennis tomorrow @ NUS with Bong's buddy, Kok Cheng and his gf Jacklyn...hope i won't malu myself, cos i have never touched a tennis racket in my whole entire life...haha...but i heard from Bong tat both of them dunno how to play tennis won't be too bad...okie i really got to go now!
"The house of the righteous contains great treasure, but the income of the wicked brings them trouble" Proverbs 15:6
Lady Syl scribbled at
10:45 PM
Monday, July 05, 2004
Its Monday and i've been sick for 3 days already! Sniff...sniff...but sigh...decided against an mc...although there's nothing much to do in the office today...have got sore throat, flu and cough...jus pray tat a fever does not develope...or else gone case...cos i'm allergic to panadol and watever other medicine for i will have to depend on green apples, ice and chinese medicine...bleah!!! Oh yeah i watched Spiderman 2 on Friday nite!! Boy was it good!! Think its even better than the first one! Hmm....i can't wait for the 3rd one to come out already! Hee...anyway on sat, went to work....nothing much....went to a ladies gathering with my mum...cos forced by my mum to accompany her...was already falling sick...but she still wanted me to follow her...hmph! Then after coming back, Bong came to my house...we took a nap...did go out or do anything much cos i was feeling lethargic... so bascially stayed at home and rot...then at nite watched The Eye...creepy...
Yesterday morning till afternoon, the sofa became my bed...cos i was too weak to do anything else but laze on the sofa and watch tv...watched Matilda on HBO, quite a good show! At nite, met up with my cousin Michelle, my aunt, my mum and Bong at the Food Festival at Somerset...gosh it was super crowded! The stalls there are mainly from Newton Circus...and it was expensive, i actually paid 8 buckeroos for a big plate of osyter omelette!!! Ate lotsa unhleathy and heaty food despite me being sick....sigh...but i couldn't resist cos i was really hungry! After tat went to take a walk around, to digest, then Bong drove my mum and me home...super tired.... okie shall blog till here..
"When u learn how to die, u learn how to live" Tuesdays with Morrie
Lady Syl scribbled at
10:55 AM
Thursday, July 01, 2004
Okie this is gonna be a short one as i'm really tired and am looking excitedly at my bed next to me! Hee...Jus came back from bible study...had quite a good session, well i guess as usual, Pastor Prince never fails to deliver a good speech. Usually bible study or sunday service is also a good chance for me to catch up with Huijia, as well as of cos, being fed with so called "chicken soup" from the Lord! She told me tat she's gonna go for an interview with OCBC bank tomorrow, all the best Jia! Muacks! Anyway today, besides her, i was also with Cheryl and Edwin. Cheryl's such a sweet gurl, its really nice getting to know her, as for Edwin, didn't have much chance to get to talk to him...he seems pretty quiet. Oh yeah met Ricia today, she came back from Australia not long ago, for a holiday before going back for her studies again. She's one of the most bubbly gurl i have ever known! Glad to see her again. She can brighten up anyone's day without any effort at all!
Anyway from wat i see, Jia and her church mates, like Cheryl, Ricia, Danny, Jeanette and all have a very good relationship, which sometimes being with them makes me feel kinda "out". But don't get me wrong, its not tat i don't like them, in fact Danny is a ridiculously humourous guy, and so is Jeanette, such a "yoyo!" kinda gurl...most likely its becos i haven't known them till like maybe i'm being over sensitive...okie i shall not let my heart be troubled, and find peace in watever direction its takes me.
Anyway today i learnt from bible study abt finding peace and let it rule your heart. GO with the direction where peace points it, not the voice u "Harken to peace is
better than Sacrifice". Think this is very good for the soul.
Had Burger King for dinner, man....this is super sinful! I shall cut down on fast food for the time being man....okies i gotta go into dreamland now....nites all!
"Seek God's Kingdom, and everything u desire will come to u"
Lady Syl scribbled at
11:37 PM