I've never felt more blissful i think.... after knowing tat everything is well with me and tat friend of mine with the black face, hahah! Okie i'm mean, now she has a "normal" face again...boy am i relieved! Anyway, i'm glad tat everything has been resolved, and we are back to being the best of friends again...
This got me reminisicing about a problem between us a couple of years back... somehow she sent me a letter telling me tat she does not wanna be friends anymore, and she didn't state the reason why in the letter...can u imagine wat i was feeling at tat point in time??? I was so clueless... I tried some attempts to get her to talk to me... but i guess at tat time, she felt tat there wasn't a need to talk about anything. Finally, i was thinking, okie, this is the last straw, i'm gonna write her a letter, telling her tat this is the last time i'm trying to reconcile our friendship, if she's not gonna respond to it, then i guess its really over... although i was really breaking inside... there was really no point dragging on... And i was really happy when she called me, and told me tat she was willing to talk it out... at least i know there's some hope...
I always feel tat as friends, if we have a problem, its best to talk it out...and solve everything, instead of dragging the whole problem, and then eventually we won't be on talking terms at all, and there goes the whole friendship... After we had a supper long talk at the beach, on top of one of the wave breakers, everything was cleared, and we have been best of friends since.... another point i would like to add is tat, this usually bring a friendship closer, becos we'll understand each other better! Yay! I was feeling sooo esctatic when the bad air was over!
So ever since then, and i also reminded her now, tat i want her to be completely frank with me... jus don't ignore me like i don't exsist. Oh well, i guess i also made a rite move of meeting up with her for an hour during her dinner break from work.... somehow i feel tat tat was a very fruitful hour. It was jus for a miserable hour, but its really enough...Tat hug at the end of the meeting was like a confirmation tat all is well... :) I was smiling my way to the taxi stand after tat... =p
Okies, i'm gonna have the lyrics to a song tat i feel is really meaningful for a friendship, and this is how i feel towards this pal of mine =p:
I Turn to You - Christina Aguilera
When I'm lost...in the rain
In your eyes I know I'll find the light
To light my way
When I'm scared
Losing ground
When my world is going crazy
You can turn it all around
And when I'm down you're there
Pushing me to the top
You're always there giving me all you've got
For a shield, from the storm
For a friend, for a love to keep me safe and warm
I turn to you
For the strength, to be strong
For the will to carry on
For everything you do
For everything that's trueI turn to you-ooh
When I lose...the will to win
I just reach for you
And I can reach the sky again
I can do anything
'Cause your love is so amazing'
Cause your love inspires me
And when I need a friend
You're always on my side
Giving me faith taking me through the night
For a shield, from the storm
For a friend, for a love
To keep me safe and warm
I turn to youFor the strength, to be strong
For the will to carry on
For everything you doI turn to you-ooh, yeah ooh
For the arms to be my shelter
Through all the rain
For truth that will never change
For someone to lean on
For a heart I can rely on through anything
For the one who...I can run to...oh right
For a shield from the storm
For a friend, for a love
To keep me safe and warm, yeah yeah
I turn to you
For the strength to be strong
For the will to carry on
For everything you do
For everything that's true
For everything you do
For everything that's true
I turn to you...ooh.
"A friend loves at all times,and a brother is born for adversity" Proverbs 17:17
Lady Syl scribbled at
12:27 PM
Sunday, August 22, 2004
Going to church today, was alrite, except due to certain factors....kinda made it a bit less enjoyable.... well, i dunno, i guess my friend wasn't exactly in the best of her moods...so as usual...with my experience since secondary school, i decided to avoid as much conversation with her as possible... well, i didn't wanna get into trouble. Although sometimes i feel, tat its really unfair to so call "take it out" on your friends in tat sense. I rather my friend tells me about the problem, then so call, give me the cold shoulder... it becomes like becos she's in a bad mood, she talks more and better to an aquaintance than to her close friend over here (does familiarity breeds contempt sounds familiar??)... never mind...all i can say is, i'm thankful tat my mum, jesper and cousin were around with me... Thank God tat they decided to follow...or else, God knows, i might jus decide to turn my way back home...
Read her blog...guess she was kinda sore tat i didn't make it for clubbing with her... yes, maybe i'm not one who enjoys clubbing, main reason was also, i was with my relatives who were celebrating my mum's belated birthday...it was really nice of them. My mum was visibly happy... Talking about clubbing, who can be more surprised about her sudden interest in it, but us close friends???? She was always stating tat she didn't wanna go there and "shake head", but oh well...i guess people change as time goes by... although its still kinda weird... like she's a different person all of a sudden... To many people, yes clubbing is fun...a place to people-watch, get new contacts, relieve stress, drink, dance... to me, i have never thought tat it will relieve my stress, cos i hate the smoke (it makes me sneeze), you definitely will have an extremely late nite's sleep...plus its expensive, think of the cover charge, the taxi cost plus the extra midnite charge, the cost of drinks, which is like 4 times the price tat i can get from 7-11?? In fact the only thing i enjoy about clubbing, is dancing..but actually given a choice, i rather learn other kinds of dance, like salsa...not clubbing or disco dance...
Of cos, going once in a while, is definitely alrite! Kind of like a change in environment, soak yourself in the loud music, look at beautiful hunks and babes... feeling high with all tat alcohol... i go clubbing too, although tats really like once in the bluest moon... however tat's usually suggested by friends, not by me...but like wat a friend said in her blog, once u start working, u really treasure the weekends, and hardcore partying is tiring, and u will kind of waste away half of next day, cos you'll end up waking up late...Then it will seem like your already almost non existing weekends, become even shorter... plus i react to alcohol by sleeping longer (embarressed) ...
Maybe you can say tat i have a boring life, who knows...maybe u can even ask "Does Sylvia even have a life at all??"...or maybe u can say tat i'm not a fun, or exciting person...i dunno...like i said, my character is wateva you perceive me to be, i don't see the need to explain anything, as long as close friends, my loved ones and i know wat i'm like, its enough... I have my own defination of enjoyment, and fun.... jus tat i'm not a clubbing animal....
"No one is old who is young at heart."
Lady Syl scribbled at
11:40 PM
Friday, August 20, 2004
Morning to all....jus had an impulsive need to blog...although i'm supposed to be serious at work rite now...but HECK! =p
As i was on my way to work on the bus this morning, as usual, i read my daily bread, and after tat, i will have my daily chats, rantings...etc with HIM. Jus to digress...i always feel better after doing tat always...
Okie back to the topic...halfway through my chat, i noticed 2 ladies tat got onto the bus, i see them occassionally if i managed to take an early bus (yes, i'm late ever so often). To me, they look like sisters, although of cos i can't be sure. However, one of them is a spastic...both of them are really quite elderly already...i would say in their 50s, if not, 60s...and the other would always be with her, taking the bus to dunno where....the thing is, the "normal" lady would always have a scrowl on her face, like she's facing the hardest burden in the whole world. I started to really observe the both of them, the spastic sister will always have a smile or a cheeky grin on her face, like she's jus a kid, all out to have fun, joy and laughter. It feels as if she does not have a problem at all, like she's totally free, the only problem is probably how to have fun & joy. And as wat i noticed, fun or enjoyment to her, can be as simple as finding a seat on the bus... she will find a 2-seater seat and rush to it, so tat both she and her sister can sit together, and there u have it, a big grin on her face....while her sister will be there scrowling at her for being "naughty". I was thinking... different people will have different perspective about this matter. To some people, they may pity the spastic lady, or think tat life is unfair to her, to some extreme people, they might even think tat spastics are cursed or watever...but to me, people like her are the luckiest people around, cos they won't know wat worry is, and will not have a care at all about social problems, won't care at how others will think about them, in fact they seem to put complete trust on anyone who treats them well... They are like such carefree souls...so child like....to the extend tat i envy them....
As for the "normal" sister, maybe she finds it a terrible burden to be plagued with such a sister, and tat she has to take care of her her whole life...to me, if i'm in her shoes, yes, maybe i have to take care of my sister my whole life...i won't have much life...maybe i might ask God the big question everyday "WHY??!!", or complain loads tat life is unfair to me... but i guess, looking at my sister's happy face...her child like innocence, will somehow brighten up my day, i may even laugh together with her, do crazy things with her, act stupid together, not caring to hoots wat other will think about me... i think somehow, this will make me feel and look younger! I guess, scrowling everyday will not help or improve things at all....
Then i remembered, i was still chatting halfway to HIM, so i decided to talk to him about it...Then i realise, tat we should be like the spastic sister, or spastics, for tat matter, when it comes to believing in Christ...we should be happy and optimistic even though we have problems, cos God will make a way where there seems to be no way...to trust in Him wholeheartedly, to have child like faith in Him... cos we know tat He's always working behind the scenes to guide us...He wants us to come to Him whenever we have problems, not only tat, to also share our happiness and joy...He's always waiting for us to accept Him into our life... I once read this: He's always waiting outside our door, waiting patiently, quietly....not forceful...waiting for us to open our door, then will He step into our threshold...i remember being so touched by this statement... tears can well up in my eyes jus by thinking about tat, cos i know His tender mercies and His loving kindness is with me day after day...
"When all my labors and trials are o'er, and I am safe on that beautiful shore, Just to be near the dear Lord I adore will through the ages be glory for me" Gabriel
God gives grace for this life and glory in the life to come....
Lady Syl scribbled at
9:49 AM
Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Jus had to add their pic too! Adrian and Ailin, also at the Esplanade....
Lady Syl scribbled at
10:19 PM

Bong and me at the Esplanade awaiting for the first splash of colours in the sky...
Lady Syl scribbled at
10:17 PM
Tuesday, August 17, 2004
Okie, had a really tiring weekend, as it was the start of my course, had to go for classes on Friday, Sat and Sunday...had a bit of difficulties catching wat the lecturer was trying to say at times. And she was really going so fast! Ailin and i were like asking each other many times " Huh?? Wat did she jus said??" Haha....comical can....But i was feeling kinda tired, cos on sat and sunday, my eyes were feeling extrememly uncomfortable, it was a bit swollen, not to mention it was horribly red!! Its still itchy now, but thankfully not swollen anymore....argh!
Anway on Sunday, after classes, Ailin and i met up with Bong and Adrian, cos we wanted to go watch the fireworks for the last time!! But before the fireworks started at 8pm, we still had time to spare, so we went to Bugis Kinokuniya to search for a book....sadly, they didn't have the book, okie nevermind, so we went for some window shopping, and we bought for Autumn a bed!! Haha, its so adorable!
Oh yah, the fireworks are so lovely and wonderful!!!! It never fails to take my breath away! Its like so romantic and jus so spectacular....can never see tat for the national day parade man! The 4 of us enjoyed it so much, nevermind about the crowd, it was worth squeezing with them....okies, anyway after the whole thing was over, we went for dinner at Marche, and we chat over there for a while, happened to bump into my insurance agent Marcos...goodness gracious, he has put on so much weight, i cannot believe it! Haha...he said he didn't exercise, tat's why....okie....
Going out together with Ailin and Adrian is always fun, cos we always have lots of things to talk about... i always marvel at how the 4 of us became friends, its all interlinked...haha...Ailin and i were in the same religion, got to know each other during the start of year 2 in poly, Adrian and Bong have been frens ever since secondary school, Alin and Adrian became an item in year 1 of poly, and Bong and i, also became at item in year 2 of poly. Thing is, nothing like this have been planned, it jus happened....oh my gosh, looks like coincidences happen all the time....but its been great knowing them. I'm always mentioning to Ailin, tat i can't wait to see the both of them getting married, and seeing them in a bridal suit and gown.... =P
Okie, yesterday, i took leave to "recuperate", after 3 tiring days of classes, good thing was Bong also took leave....wanted to go to Wild Wild Wet at Pasir Ris, but becos my eyes was still not cured, we decided against the idea...went to watch The Notebook again in the end, cos Bong has not caught it yet, but i told him tat he absolutely has to watch it! When i first watch tat movie, i didn't shed a tear while watching it, but yesterday, the tears jus kept flowing! Maybe its becos i know the story better, and jus couldn't help feeling touched...it was jus wonderful...okie yeah, here goes again, Ryan Gosling is cute!! haha....No matter wat people, u have to catch this movie! Hehe.....shhh....Bong was visibly touched too.... Oops!=p
Back to work now...not excited, not enthusiastic......okie i'll stop now...
"But screw your courage to the sticking place and we'll not fail" Shakespere - MacBeth
Lady Syl scribbled at
9:23 AM
Thursday, August 12, 2004
Today will be the last day in office for PM Goh Chok Tong....and tomorrow, incoming PM, Lee Hsien Loong will take over...i can't believe tat in a breeze, 14 years have passed by for PM Goh...tat means 14 years have also passed by for me, since 1990... I still remember tat even as a really young gal then, i was having doubts tat PM Goh will be as good as our Senior Minister Lee Kwan Yew, boy... I was really wrong!
No doubt tat SM Lee ruled with an iron hand, and this was how he got things done for the goodness of Singapore. However PM Goh took a different approach, he was soft spoken, calm, composed and never once was he caught loosing his temper, other then jus the thinning of his lips. So much so tat he was labelled "The People's Prime Minister". And how i admire him for tat... I've read a number of articles tat are tributes to him, and it really touched my heart... Singaporeans should be damn appreciative of a PM like him, cos he's the best PM any country can have. Of cos, we shouldn't forget SM Lee, he is DA MAN of Singapore, he was the one tat made Singapore like wat we are now... we don't need any other countries to take over us, we are one independent nation, being "abandoned" in 1965 was a darn blessing in disguise... this is like a rags to riches kinda story, haha....
Not to mention, PM Goh is also the MP for Marine Parade, and i'm so proud to say, I STAY IN MARINE PARADE!! Haha... whenever friends realise tat i'm staying at Marine Parade, they will start saying:"Whoa, Goh Chok Tong area leh" Haha...and i will go:"Yesh!"...and I really love Marine Parade...such a nice place to stay, and of cos, East Coast Beach is jus an underground tunnel away! I remember, tat there was one year where i went with my school to the National Stadium to watch an event(can't remember wat event), PM Goh was the guest of Honour, i actually teared when he arrived! Cos i was so overjoyed to see him... I guess no other people should be qualified as Singapore Idol, but our 2 man, PM Goh and SM Lee!
Now tat PM Goh is stepping down, we will always remember the 14 years tat he took us through...he was also the one tat went through with us during difficult times, such as recession and sars. He made a promise tat he will only step down once Singapore's economy picks up, and he's keeping his promise....an admirable man....With incoming PM, Lee Hsien Loong taking over, there is this feeling of deja vu tat i had in 1990, when Goh Chok Tong was taking over....but anyhow, i guess he will still be pretty much involved in the cabinet, as he's gonna be the new Senior Minister, while SM Lee will become Minister Mentor....
Okies....i hereby wish outgoing PM Goh all the best, and welcome incoming PM Lee!
"It's better to give others a piece of your heart than a piece of your mind."
Lady Syl scribbled at
9:44 AM
Tuesday, August 10, 2004

As usual, take for the fun of it...and yes, as wat my freinds would say...I'm a terrible narcissist...
Lady Syl scribbled at
11:38 PM

A pic of me and Jia at Ngee Ann City Breeks
Lady Syl scribbled at
11:25 PM
Okie, jus came back from a longer weekend then usual, jus wanna say Happy Birthday Singapore! And yeah, i'm gonna miss PM Goh, he has been a really great leader...now tat he's stepping down...i dunno if the next PM will be able to measure up to him...but never mind, give the new PM the benefit of the doubt tat he's as good... anyway its still too early to judge...
Yesterday spent a fun filled day will my long time buddies...had an early celebration of Yiling's birthday...went for a movie...watched The Notebook, and its really good! Its so heart warming, and jus so lovey dovey! Sigh...Ryan Gosling is jus mesmerizing....i can practically melt under his gaze! And it jus portrayed how an old couple can still be soooo loving...much as we hate to admit, we seldom see an old loving couple, dancing together, holding hands.... telling each other how much they love each other...having a candle lit dinner together... and u know wat, each time i see an old couple holdings hands, i will stop watever i'm doing and stare...not tat i feel disgusted, but i envy them so...and often wonder, if my future husband and i are gonna be like tat even though we are old, hunched and wrinkled like a prune. There was a question in the movie, being posed by the old lady, she asked her husband if love can do a miracle, and if love can take the both of them away from this world together... and the husband jus told her love can....sigh...
Okies...after the movie, we did a little bit of shopping, i bought a mascara from Estee Lauder, cost me 37 bucks, hopefully its money well spent...after tat, went back to my house and rested for a while, before heading down to east coast park for dinner. And it was really crowded... anyway had one of the best tasting bolognese spagetti there..although its pretty pricey, its $18! After tat, went back to my place again, cos my friends wanted to see Autumn, haha...
Okie..today...back to work...while i was on the bus to work...i was thinking how much i dreaded work...cos i guess, i'm not an admin kinda person...i hate to do filings (Especially this!!), i hate data entries... i hate lots of things tat an admin staff is supposed to do... I hate it tat the office is really boring...i hate it tat i've got to tolerate all the working days till the almost non existing weekends...well....i know this is not the rite kind of attitude...i know i should feel damn lucky tat i've got a job while others don't, i know tat i should feel blessed tat this job came by a week after i completed my contract with SP Services, i know tat i should also feel darn lucky tat i'm still earning at least a miserable sum of money every month even though i've got tons of bills to pay off....
I was praying to God tat he will give me a clue, give me something tat i will really enjoy doing, i need to be on my feet! I need to move! Like working in the zoo?? Sounds weird?? Maybe...but i feel its better than torturing myself in office... feeling so darn lousy today...wonder wat will manage to cheer me up... don't even have the appetite to finish my breakfast... gosh i really need something tat i won't find a chore doing, i need to enjoy doing it! But i really dunno wat!! (pulls hair out). Maybe i should go back to the job ads and find a clue, but its only been 5 months here! Is my tolerant level tat low???? If so...then i really need to improve myself, but....but....sigh.... anyway, hopefully the quote below will cheer me up...
"You don't have to worry about eyestrain from looking on the brighter side of life"
Lady Syl scribbled at
10:12 AM
Thursday, August 05, 2004
Hi all, currently i've got nothing to blog....was listening to "Accidentally in Love" on the radio, and i've been hooked on this song ever since i watched Shrek 2! Its such a heart warming and cheerful song. Never fails to get me mouthing the lyrics...So i decided to paste the lyrics here... Lame?? Maybe....haha... I realise tat some may really detest such a song with lots of "LOVE" inside, but i'm a hopeless romantic!! Sorry! Probably later, when i've thot of something to write, i'll come back....but for now...enjoy! *winkz*
Accidentally in Love By Counting Crows
So she said what's the problem baby
What's the problem I don't know
Well maybe I'm in love (love)
Think about it every time
I think about it
Can't stop thinking 'bout it
How much longer will it take to cure this
Just to cure it cause I can't ignore it if it's love (love)
Makes me wanna turn around and face me but I don't know nothing 'bout love
Come on, come on
Turn a little faster
Come on, come on
The world will follow after
Come on, come on
Cause everybody's after love
So I said I'm a snowball running
Running down into the spring that's coming all this love
Melting under blue skies
Belting out sunlight
Shimmering love
Well baby I surrender
To the strawberry ice cream
Never ever end of all this love
Well I didn't mean to do it
But there's no escaping your love
These lines of lightning
Mean we're never alone,
Never alone, no, no
Come on, Come on
Move a little closer
Come on, Come on
I want to hear you whisper
Come on, Come on
Settle down inside my love
Come on, come on
Jump a little higher
Come on, come on
If you feel a little lighter
Come on, come on
We were once
Upon a time in love
We're accidentally in love
Accidentally in love
Accidentally in love
Accidentally in love
Accidentally in love
Accidentally in love
Accidentally in love
Accidentally in love
I'm In Love, I'm in Love,
I'm in Love, I'm in Love,
I'm in Love, I'm in Love,
I'm In Love, I'm in Love,
I'm in Love, I'm in Love,
I'm in Love, I'm in Love,
Come on, come on
Spin a little tighter
Come on, come on
And the world's a little brighter
Come on, come on
Just get yourself inside her
Love... I'm in love
"True love is neither physical, nor romantic. True love is an acceptance of all that is, has been, will be and will not be."
Lady Syl scribbled at
11:47 AM
Tuesday, August 03, 2004
Yesterday after work, i was walking hastily to Paya Lebar MRT, as i was late for an appointment. Its all becos of the irritating traffic jam along the way, and the usual peak hour crowd....shucks...anyway, like i said, as i was making my way to the train station, i looked up into the sky, and i sucked in my breath suddenly...u must be thinking tat something's wrong with me...but no, i was overwhelmed, becos i was taken in by the sunset sky! It was such a breath-taking view tat i wished i had more time to jus stand there for a while and enjoy...
No doubt tat there was no beach in sight, no mountains, no lakes to compliment the already beautiful sky...only industrial buildings, which photographers won't exactly call it scenenic, but to me, it was jus wonderful, the sky was coloured with purplish, reddish and orangy streaks! I was cursing under my breath for not haveing the camera with me at tat point in time.
As i carried on my way to the train station, i was thinking tat its so seldom tat we get to really appreciate mother nature anymore....nobody ever stops to smell the flowers...well, i guess, this could be due to the lack of attractive flowers we have in singapore, except the botanic gardens... but ever so often, we are so preoccupied with work, studies, commitments, money, achievements...tat nothing else matters... I personally think this is sad, cos the awesome beauty tat God has created are meant to be awed at, meant to be appreciated, jus meant for us to bask in the wonders of such scenery. And i believe we should make time for tat more often, get away from the hectic life for a while, away from all tat stress, and jus relax and enjoy the view... In fact i personally feel tat it also comes as a good time to get our loved ones to sit somewhere and enjoy the scenery together, spending time together, jus think about life, about sentimental memories...its theraputic definitely!
Sometimes i envy those who are living in the rural areas of other countries...firstly, life is more relaxed, secondly, they get to enjoy mother nature all the time! And i think they live longer...sigh...i guess living in urban areas and rural areas each have pros and cons, there can never be a perfect life, as wat my dad always say, this is GOD'S GIFT OF COMPENSATION.
Okie, tonite it seems tat i'm gonna meet up with a number of my secondary school classmates tat i have not met in decades! I dunno whether to anticipate it, or to dread it, cos after all...i really dunno wat to expect...but i guess, i will only know it tonite!! Okies...gotta work! Sux! Oops...i shouldn't complain...
"In the wonders of creation, we see God at work"
Lady Syl scribbled at
10:06 AM
Monday, August 02, 2004
Went to church yesterday, with Huijia, Cheryl, Danny, Jeanette and lastly, Bong! Waited in the queue for wat seemed like hours...legs were almost wobbly (okie jia, i jus complain for fun, don't start scolding me, =P) As usual, while we were there, Danny was kind of like the "entertainer", always crappy...a good debator too...poor Huijia...my heart goes out to u..haha! Anyway, finally at about 4.30pm, we could finally enter the auditorium...service was good. Pastor Prince tried to act goofy at times...which definitely got all the church goers in stiches...haha...
Anyway after service, everything happened in a whizz! We had planned to go to Marina Promenade to watch the fireworks display, which will start at about 8pm...so we wanted to rush for dinner, but guess wat, all the eateries and fastfood restaurants were overflowing with people! I guess, the fireworks display is really an attraction not to be missed! We had to queue like crazy, and when we finally got to the counter at BK, marina square, we were told tat there were no fries! Anyway, no choice, we still had to da bao and go, and luckily, we reached the perfect viewing area in time!!
And u know wat, the fireworks was really great! Its so much more better than the fireworks we normally see during NDP, it took my breath away....
Looks like the squeezing and rushing was really worth it...but as wat Danny commented...
Danny: We could have come to watch the fireworks, and gone for a good dinner...
Syl: ...... yah hor...why didn't we think of tat...
Okie, so after tat, we went back to BK and had our dinner, it was once again a mad rush with the crowd...as we weren't full enough, we went to Citylink to eat crepes...hmmm...but i think the Marche one is better...oh yeah and had more doeses of Danny's crap...WAT A NITE! But i totally enjoyed myself!
I was glad tat Bong was willing to come with me to Sunday Service...i'm also glad tat he could respond well with the rest too =P Lastly, I'm glad he enjoyed himself...
Okie, a friend of mine forwarded a text message to me on my mobile, which i personally think is great! Let me share it with u:
"Happiness keeps u going, Trials make u strong, sorrows keep u human, failure keeps u humble, success keeps u glowing & friends keep u going."
Lady Syl scribbled at
9:50 AM