Going to church today, was alrite, except due to certain factors....kinda made it a bit less enjoyable.... well, i dunno, i guess my friend wasn't exactly in the best of her moods...so as usual...with my experience since secondary school, i decided to avoid as much conversation with her as possible... well, i didn't wanna get into trouble. Although sometimes i feel, tat its really unfair to so call "take it out" on your friends in tat sense. I rather my friend tells me about the problem, then so call, give me the cold shoulder... it becomes like becos she's in a bad mood, she talks more and better to an aquaintance than to her close friend over here (does familiarity breeds contempt sounds familiar??)... never mind...all i can say is, i'm thankful tat my mum, jesper and cousin were around with me... Thank God tat they decided to follow...or else, God knows, i might jus decide to turn my way back home...
Read her blog...guess she was kinda sore tat i didn't make it for clubbing with her... yes, maybe i'm not one who enjoys clubbing, main reason was also, i was with my relatives who were celebrating my mum's belated birthday...it was really nice of them. My mum was visibly happy... Talking about clubbing, who can be more surprised about her sudden interest in it, but us close friends???? She was always stating tat she didn't wanna go there and "shake head", but oh well...i guess people change as time goes by... although its still kinda weird... like she's a different person all of a sudden... To many people, yes clubbing is fun...a place to people-watch, get new contacts, relieve stress, drink, dance... to me, i have never thought tat it will relieve my stress, cos i hate the smoke (it makes me sneeze), you definitely will have an extremely late nite's sleep...plus its expensive, think of the cover charge, the taxi cost plus the extra midnite charge, the cost of drinks, which is like 4 times the price tat i can get from 7-11?? In fact the only thing i enjoy about clubbing, is dancing..but actually given a choice, i rather learn other kinds of dance, like salsa...not clubbing or disco dance...
Of cos, going once in a while, is definitely alrite! Kind of like a change in environment, soak yourself in the loud music, look at beautiful hunks and babes... feeling high with all tat alcohol... i go clubbing too, although tats really like once in the bluest moon... however tat's usually suggested by friends, not by me...but like wat a friend said in her blog, once u start working, u really treasure the weekends, and hardcore partying is tiring, and u will kind of waste away half of next day, cos you'll end up waking up late...Then it will seem like your already almost non existing weekends, become even shorter... plus i react to alcohol by sleeping longer (embarressed) ...
Maybe you can say tat i have a boring life, who knows...maybe u can even ask "Does Sylvia even have a life at all??"...or maybe u can say tat i'm not a fun, or exciting person...i dunno...like i said, my character is wateva you perceive me to be, i don't see the need to explain anything, as long as close friends, my loved ones and i know wat i'm like, its enough... I have my own defination of enjoyment, and fun.... jus tat i'm not a clubbing animal....
"No one is old who is young at heart."
Lady Syl scribbled at
11:40 PM
At 11:40 PM,
Fifi Zhang said…
Life is how U live it... Not by anyone else's rules... So, it doesnt matter if one enjoys clubbing or not... Most importantly, the fun is worth your time. :)
At 10:17 AM,
Syl - Breseis said…
Anybody close to me is worth my time.... :)
At 11:06 PM,
Fifi Zhang said…
Eh... How close is your close uh??? ekekek...ok lah... I'll stop teasing u here... =P
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