Sunday, January 30, 2005
I wonder if people will view me as wat is written below....
Lady Syl scribbled at
8:36 PM
Thursday, January 27, 2005
Oh man...believe it or not, one of the taxi companies has decided to use my voice for their automated voice system greeting. So please, in future if u happen to call one of them and realise tat the voice sounds like mine, don't get too shocked about it. I jus can't seem to listen to my own voice without cringing. Oh hell..i should demand for some payment after rendering my "voice service".
I have finally realised, tat to some people, true friends don't matter anymore. Why??? Becuz of appearance. Ain't tat really superficial?? Some people feel tat their friend looks better than them, therefore they jus cannot stand it, especially when others start comparing looks. Seriously, people who jus love to comment and compare on looks are jus pure...i dunno..maybe i should keep tat thought to myself, in case i should end up offending anyone. But then again, i shouldn't need to care about tat rite?? Okie, here goes, they are LAME. Don't they have anything better to do??
I have never thought much about the possibility of good friends feeling inferior to another till now. When there's inferiority complex between friends, the friendship will never work out no matter how hard the other party tries. Well, i guess i learn something new everyday, i take it tat this is a lesson learnt after 10 years of friendship, with a friend whom i thought was worth my concern, time, not to mention, my continuous effort in making this friendship work, only to find out, to my disappointment, tat, this friendship will eventually end jus cuz of superficial appearance. I guess i was too naive. Who else can i blame but myself for bothering too much.
"Misfortune shows those who are not really friends" Eudemian Ethics
Lady Syl scribbled at
2:30 PM
Tuesday, January 25, 2005
Count down to 31st Jan 05 starts now! Yay! Anticipating... =D
Lady Syl scribbled at
4:47 PM
Wednesday, January 19, 2005
Am back from a super short trip to KL, had lots of fun, although it was really tiring...i've learnt my lesson, tat is not to go on long journeys over night... goodness, it was sheer torture! But anyway, we tried to stay awake as long as possible, and to have fun as much as possible. Didn't manage to buy loads of stuffs, cuz, we lacked of the energy as well as it was kinda rush, since it was only a 2 days and 1 nite kinda thing. But then again, the day seemed longer, cos we reached KL at like 3+in the morning on our first day... tat explains why we were kind of zombiefied. But i guess the malls there are really mega sized.
Traffic was bad, but thank goodness, the guys were there to take care of us vulunerable gals. Haha... Ooh...and throughout most of the trip, i didn't need to carry my big yellow duffle bag myself! All thanks to the guys who offered to help me with it. Not tat i didn't refuse, but they were insistent tat i pass my bag to them...probably they thought tat i will crush under the weight or something... hmmm... but since they want to...why not? =P
Below are some pics tat i've uploaded, although there are more...till i've got the time, i will upload more pics. Cos i gotta go into slumberland now...gotta work tomorrow!
Lady Syl scribbled at
11:30 PM
 Hands & feet galore, guess which is mine?? The Fairyland in Reality...
Lady Syl scribbled at
11:24 PM
 Say Cheese! The Fairyland in Reality...
Lady Syl scribbled at
11:15 PM
 Visit to KL would be incomplete if we didn't go to the Petronas Twin Towers. The Fairyland in Reality...
Lady Syl scribbled at
11:13 PM
 Da Peeps tat i went to KL with. Taken @ Petronas Twin Towers Skybridge The Fairyland in Reality...
Lady Syl scribbled at
11:10 PM
 Charlie's angels The Fairyland in Reality...
Lady Syl scribbled at
11:03 PM
Tuesday, January 11, 2005
I dunno wat to think rite now... i wonder if i should anticipate for Friday nite to come, so that i can embark on my trip to KL, or should i wish that Friday nite will not come at all, as Bong will have to fly to New Zealand for his 2 weeks training with SAF. Same goes for whether i should anticipate for 31st Jan 05 to arrive, which means that Bong will return from his training, or should i dread it, as 31st Jan 05 will signify that i have to hand up both of my projects the next day....
Hmmm... okies! Conclusion... i shall dread that Bong has to leave on friday nite... and be glad that i can finally go for a short and hopefully refreshing trip with my really happy that he will return on 31st Jan and jus sulk like crazy that i have to rush through my project and hand them in by 1st Feb. Coincidentally, 1st Feb 05 is my 4th year anniversary with Bong... But i have class tat day! Anyway, i still have totally no clue wat to get for him...*drats* Suggestions?? Anyone???
"Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration" Thomas A. Edison
Lady Syl scribbled at
11:08 AM
Wednesday, January 05, 2005
Right...i jus bought a new novel recently, during one of the days when i was down and out. Somehow, buying a novel kinda made me a wee bit happier. I have been eyeing this particular novel for quite some time, and have always been having mental brain storms as to whether i should purchase it....cos of the good reviews i've heard of... but i always ended up puting the book back onto the shelf. Anyway, the novel I'm referring to is To Kill A Mockingbird.
I realised tat since young, whenever i'm feeling down, sad or angry, the only way to vent my frustrations, will be to lock myself in my room and start doing watever homework i have vigorously. Friends have commented before, tat i'm weird. So i guess, this time round, since i had no homework to do, apart from projects which i have yet to start, buying a novel to read seems like the second best option for me.
Great! 3 of my poly mates and I have signed up for a package to go to KL for a 2 days 1 nite stay. We have decided, tat since this is gonna be the first time we are going on a trip together, let's make it a short and sweet one, and progress to longer trips in future. I'll be leaving on 14 Jan nite, which also happens to be the day when Bong will leave for New Zealand for a 2 week training. I'm kinda excited, as this is my first in KL. Heard that the shopping is awesome gonna take this opportunity to raid the malls, and of cos not forgetting to get a glimpse of the infamous Petronas Towers.
Recently, I realised that people seem to take for granted of the people around them. New people or acquaintances always seem to be more interesting, therefore, we tend to think that we can most probably clique with these people, and eventually turn out as good friends. So much so, that old friends don't seem important anymore. Well, all i can say is: All the best!
"No quotes today"
Lady Syl scribbled at
10:54 PM
Saturday, January 01, 2005
Please proceed to for the X'mas gals' nite out. As for other photos, be patient!
Lady Syl scribbled at
6:02 PM
 The 41st army and 41st wives club and our new year gathering. The Fairyland in Reality...
Lady Syl scribbled at
6:02 PM
Hey peeps!! Its 2005!! Happy New Year! Well, i can't help being excited for 2005, cos i believe that everything's gonna be better, and aye okay! I've made some really wonderful bunch of friends, not that i didn't know them earlier, but i guess its especially during the festive seasons when we spend it together that draws the whole group closer. I've said it before, and i'm gonna say it again, i feel tat we make a great group, okie...yes i meant the 41st group of army guys and the 41st wives club. =D
New Year celebrations this time round, was kinda last minute as we were all too busy to plan of something... finally we panicked and decided on STEAMBOAT @ one of their houses. Yes..i had countless steamboats since christmas...haha...but my first with them. Well... the guys proved to be really hardworking, they were the ones who took charge of buying all the food and drinks, and even the preparation! Like marinating the meat, cutting and washing the vegetables, peeling the shells off the quail eggs, preparing the soup base...steaming the rice... All i can say is...the gals were left speechless! But in anyways, we decided to sit back and relax....look pretty...hmmm...maybe helped by scooping out the rice and preparing the utensils... and finally helped by eating! *LOL*
It was a good laughing session, complete with loads of silly actions the guys did and the things they said....coupled with lots of distruptions due to the automatic timers they set with their digi cams, where we all had to do a megawitt smile even with bits of food in our mouths! We played games, and had to eat up watever remnants of the food left as forfeit...dipped in chilli balachan. Thank God! I didn't need to eat any of those...cos Bong ended up eating for me, haha!
Did i mention that they guys ended up doing the cleaning up as well??? Oh and that includes mopping the floor of the kitchen! muahaha! But tat's good training for them (come on, nod your head together with me now!)! Oh yeah, the highlight of the day was, we literally drove into the year 2005 as we made our way to the Padang, cos we did the countdown in 2 cars. With the help of the loudspeaker function in our phones. This is probably gonna stay in my memory for as long as i live.
Everywhere was really crowded, we had difficulties finding a place to sit and chat. But we were real lucky as there was ONE table with some chairs outside the closed Marina Square MacDonalds! Talked till3am, and decided to head home.
I really had fun! It was not partying in big scale, as in like going to sentosa to do the countdown. In fact, i would choose this over sentosa. Cos its the opportunity that i have to really get to know everyone.
Alrite, new year resolutions in no particular order:
1. Good results for my studies
2. Lower down my freaking cholestrol (although results have shown tat it has dipped! Yay!)
3. More and better friends
4. Stronger relationship with Bong of cos
5. Safety of my loved ones and better health
6. A better job that is of my interest in HR
"The victories of the past give courage to the future"
Lady Syl scribbled at
3:58 PM