Monday, November 29, 2004
Great... this is the second time tat Hueyling nearly got sick on me... thank goodness she didn't faint this time round... why am i usually the one with her when such a catastrophe befalls? Haha... i'm really jus joking hueyling... Anyway, thankfully i'm with her on these 2 occassions... else i dunno wat's gonna happen... So hueyling, no more brandy on the rocks for ya when u are with me... only coke and fruit punch are permitted...
By the way, better thank your lucky stars tat you have such a good friend, haha!!
Anyway, I've uploaded some photos of bong, autumn and me... notice how huge Auumn has grown.... enjoy!
Lady Syl scribbled at
10:48 PM

Autumn with fire in her eyes...
The Fairyland in Reality...
Lady Syl scribbled at
10:44 PM

Bong and me!
The Fairyland in Reality...
Lady Syl scribbled at
10:39 PM

Autumn and me!
The Fairyland in Reality...
Lady Syl scribbled at
10:38 PM

Bong and Autumn...
The Fairyland in Reality...
Lady Syl scribbled at
10:37 PM
Bong will be leaving for Thailand on thursday midnite...and won't be back till 18 Dec... well...hope he can do some shopping, and buy some nice stuffs for me... hee... gonna miss him badly though...
I had a dream last nite... it was quite a traumatising dream... in it, i had some health problems... after doing some tests in the hospital, they realised tat i had cancer, can't remember wat form of cancer it was... but somehow.. i dreamt that there was this term "Lancer Cancer"...erm... dun ask me where i got this term from, cos i have never heard of it myself... it jus got created in my dream...apparently, its supposed to mean tat my cancer is at stage 2, and can still be cured with radiation... i remembered thinking how lucky i was to need not go through chemotherapy, and end up loosing my hair... which seemed to look quite gross in the dream. I remembered tat i was praying like crazy before i got my test results... and was thankful, tat it was only at stage 2 and was definitely curable.
Anyway, classes will start on 14th Dec for me... so till then, i still have a considerable number of days for me to relax... maybe i should do some hard core shopping soon... loads of stuffs to buy, and christmas is coming! Yay! *yawn* had pre monday blues yesterday, having the blues today, and gonna have post monday blues from tomorrow till the first half of saturday... shucks... I'm really aching all over now...had a game of tennis yesterday with Bong, Jessica and Robin... it turned out to be a great session... think i'm improving! Yay! aim is to play like Serena Williams! Rite... i know... i'm in dream land again... ooh i gotta tell u this, i've gotten more tan from all the tennis sessions recently... and i'm loving it!
"A compliment is a gift not to be carelessly thrown away, unless u want to hurt the giver." Eleanour Hamilton
Lady Syl scribbled at
10:10 AM
Tuesday, November 23, 2004
Okie... finally after some days of hiatus, i'm back to blog... and my exam is over!! And today is like the most tiring day... i jus dread waking up and having to go to work... Man... i need a break terribly!
Anyway, lets forget about the exam for now... i had a great time yesterday, spent the whole afternoon with Ailin in town, walking around, looking for stuffs, complaining about how our feet ached, how zombiefied we felt, and at the same time, musing about how great life will be without work everyday... sheer torture... but i guess, we jus have to live with it... its jus our life tat we were not born with silver spoons in our mouths... At nite, had a rendezvous with my sec school mates.... cos we needed to settle some christmas wishlist, had a great dinner, although i was on the verge of breaking down...cos i was jus plain tired... but i was glad to catch up with u guys, never fail to make my day =D
Have been thinking a lot lately, about my career... apparently, ailin and i are having the same kind of dilemmas...and almost the same plan... till date, we are still clueless as to wat to do about them... i guess we are jus gonna drag it on and on each day, till we can't wait anymore and are forced to make a decision...which is like...this saturday... New semester starts this December... i guess we won't have much time to take a breather...
Huijia, can u like pack me into your luggage and jus cargo me to Korea with u???
As for now... i'm jus praying tat i will do well for my exam...
"The more alternatives, the more difficult the choice" Abbe'D' Allanival
Lady Syl scribbled at
10:43 AM
Wednesday, November 17, 2004
I had the wonderful experience and satisfying pleasure of having my doggie accompany me while i mug like crazy these few nites... had this warm fuzzy feeling when she comes and sit next to me... as if knowing tat her presence will comfort me as i mentally train my brain to act like a sponge...
As i lay on my front on the floor to read my notes, she brought her toy and put it on my back, pleading with me with those adorable puppy eyes to play with her a game of "Fetch"... yet i can only say "sorry, I can't play with u now" and feel bad tat i can't break my concentration to play with her... but i felt better as i stroked her fur lovingly while she contends herself by siting next to me... She's a joy to have...
"Grief can take care of itself, but to get the full value of a joy, you must have somebody to divide it with." Mark Twain
Lady Syl scribbled at
11:45 PM
Monday, November 15, 2004
Broke into tears this afternoon... without knowing why... tears jus kept flowing and flowing... nearly caused a sudden flood around me... i may even be able to bathe myself in tears!
But i felt blissful at the same time... really wish tat i can freeze tat moment in time... tomorrow is yet another yucky work day... which also leads to another yucky work week...sigh... never mind... i jus wish tat 2005 will come faster...
"In a mad world, only the mad are sane" Akira Kurosawa
Lady Syl scribbled at
10:41 PM
Sunday, November 14, 2004
Went with Ailin to raffles place McDonalds today to do our revision together... had a great time.. gossiping and of cos... boyfriends...which contents are CENSORED...
Anyway, we were like in a freezer, cos it was freaking cold in McDonalds... and my dear friend didn't bring her jacket too... sigh...had to share my jacket... but never mind...
Didn't tell him tat i have had already planned my rendezvous with Ailin... but decided, heck it...since he won't be free to bother too... seems like Ailin felt the same way...but of cos, the guys are having their own rendezvous too, which probably won't be satisfied till the wee hours of the next morning ... its little wonder tat we make great pals... ha!
Anyway we went to watch Shutters together with Jackeline and Fanny at Bishan...yes... i was nice enough to oblige them to watch at Bishan, even though its like 10000 miles away from home... but the movie was really quite good... Thai movies are really catching up... gotta watch out for them man... Thailiwood or something is probably coming up soon... jus after Bollywood, haha... Fanny ended up loosing her wallet... accompanied her to the police station... which somehow smelt terrible... like they have a bad toilet flushing system or something... Poor Fanny... And she has to fork out like $100 for her i/c!
Got home... and Ailin and I had our rendezvous on msn unintentionally...and there we went again... boyfriends... Ailin and i realised we were not alone... we have each other to rant to... thank goodness for tat!! Apprently she too had kept too much inside her... Tat's alrite really...we have made some plans which only the 2 of us will know... As the saying goes... nothing is better than
sweet revenge. *evil laughter*
Anyway, i hate false hopes...
"Cynicism is an unpleasant way of saying the truth" Lillian Hellman
Lady Syl scribbled at
1:34 AM
Tuesday, November 09, 2004
I really think this song is a classic.... loved it since i was a young gal... a great song to listen to before falling asleep i'll say... or jus listening quietly beside tat special someone...
The Lady in Red By Chris DeBurgh
I've never seen you looking so lovely as you did tonight
I've never seen you shine so bright
I've never seen so many men ask you if you wanted to dance
They're looking for a little romance, given half a chance
I have never seen that dress you're wearing
Or the highlights in your head that catch your eyes
I have been blind
The lady in red is dancing with me cheek to cheek
There's nobody here, it's just you and me,
It's where I wanna be
But I hardly know this beauty by my side
I'll never for get, the way you look tonight
I've never seen you looking so gorgeous as you did tonight
I've never seen you shine so bright you were amazing
I've never seen so many people want to be there by your side
And when you turned to me and smiled,
It took my breath away
I have never had such a feeling
Such a feeling of complete and utter love, as I do tonight
The way you look tonight
I never will forget, the way you look tonight
The lady in red
The lady in red
The lady in red
My lady in red (I love you.)
Lady Syl scribbled at
4:11 PM
Friday, November 05, 2004
Ever wondered about how much u really know a person?? Beyond tat facade, do u really know how much truths and lies are being told? I have an interesting point to ponder... when u ask a person wat are their interests and hobbies... they can give u lots of colourful and unique types of answers tat you would least expect... same goes to the kinds of music they love, or even jus whatever opinions u ask from them. When I read Xiaxue's blog, it really hit me hard, tat sometimes, people are jus not being truthful enough, not even to themselves...
People want to be known as fashionable; therefore they wanna go with the flow... I vividly remember when I was in primary school, songs like Mariah Carey's "Hero" and "Without You", or Air Supply's "Goodbye" was really popular, tat I caught my Chinese music loving classmates singing and humming to these tunes, so I questioned one of them:
Syl: Hey Amy, how come u start to like these songs when u usually
listen to Aaron Kwok's music. I mean u don't really like English
music rite?
Amy: Yah, I jus follow fashion.
Syl: ...
I mean its not a crime to fall for popular songs or anything like tat, but why deceive yourself and force yourself to like them when u really don't?? Jus because liking bubblegum pop music is not seen as cool, no matter how much u like it, u will deny it and say they suck. Or u wanna be known as unique, so u announce that you like jazz, punk, rock...whatever tat seems to sound intellectual or uncommon! Till this day, I'm still puzzled over this. Or take interests and hobbies for tat matter, I see people proclaiming all of a sudden that they are in love with whatever that they haven't exactly been interested just because it's the trend now...
Some people might feel that I'm not "in" enough, or being a "kentang"(which means potato in malay) jus cuz I don't really listen to Chinese music.. But at least I know I'm being truthful to myself... trust me, I have tried to tune in to Y.E.S.933FM to get myself enticed, but alas, only a few of them could do it for me... I jus can't seem to like Chinese songs as much as I love English songs... till now, I can't explain why myself... but note: I'm not prejudiced against them, and I don't go against them....some are really worth listening to...
"Truth is generally the best vindication against slander" Abraham Lincoln
Lady Syl scribbled at
4:35 PM
Tuesday, November 02, 2004
The result is out.... Ian is the last man standing... we're all very proud of him. =D Time for Ian to go and hibernate at home for dunno how long... Congratulations Ian!
Lady Syl scribbled at
4:06 PM
Rooting for a friend who's in the Subaru Impreza challenge... its already
day 4,
69 hours of no sleep... withstanding the
rain and sun... i'm thoroughly impressed by him... His name is Ian... note this name... he's probably gonna emerge as the winner of the Subaru Impreza 2004 Challenge... Left with
3 contestants... each vying to be the
last one standing... Ian, with totally
no penalties at all... while the other 2 has 2 penalties each...
Anyway, i managed to get my first hand experience at cha cha, latin cha cha, disco rock, and waltz... i've yet to try out salsa and rhumba... boy was it interesting... but for now... its gonna be back to the books yet again for my final exams.... oh yeah... before i forget... i may wanna stop this blog...
"Reality is merely an illusion, abeit a very persistent one." Albert Einstein
Lady Syl scribbled at
10:50 AM