Friday, October 29, 2004
Listen to the rythm of the falling rain....pitter patter... pitter patter... tat's wat i have been listening to for days... to some, a rainy day represents a gloomy day... but to me, i have never thought for a moment tat its gloomy... I love breathing in the fresh cool air tat comes after the rain has fallen... i love the cosy feeling of snuggling under the covers when there's a thunder storm outside my window, its even better if there's a good novel lying around... it feels comfortable to have a bowl of hot sizzling Maggie mee or a hot cuppa chocolate or tea when the weather is cold... I also love the smell of rain... all these factors make me appreciate the rain. Not to mention, it cools down the perpetually hot and humid weather of Singapore.
December is approaching... the whole year is flying by in a flash, soon it will be 2005. It seemed like jus yesterday when I celebrated the birth of Christ and new year of 2004, and its almost time to celebrate again, there are even Christmas decors lining the streets of Orchard already! Unbelievable... age is catching up with me... and I'm feeling ancient at the ripe old age of 22. Absurd you might say?=D But I love December, it's a month of festive seasons, festive seasons, means public holidays, public holidays means no work... =D Not forgetting, its all about having loads of fun, and gatherings with friends and family. Of cos, pressies are added bonus, haha! And my favourite festive season of all times, Christmas Day... I'm always feeling happy on Christmas! However, since young, I always think tat Christmas can be a real depressing day for loners... and I'm pretty much sure, it is...
Christmas, a time to celebrate the birth of Christ, a time to tell your friends and loved ones how much they are being appreciated... a time to wear all your lovely new clothes... a time to bask in each other's company... a time to enjoy Christmas carols... which reminds me, I always shed a tear or two when I sing along with church goers... especially to the song "O Night Divine"...
Great... now I can't wait for Christmas Day already!
"To fear love is to fear life, and those who fear life are already three parts dead" Bertrand Russell
Lady Syl scribbled at
11:41 AM
Monday, October 25, 2004
I love my Bong =D
Lady Syl scribbled at
11:03 AM
Saturday, October 23, 2004
This entry is specially dedicated to Hueyling (cos she demanded for it), as she called me at wat she termed as the eleventh hour last nite jus to sing me a birthday song, while rudely having some nasi lemak in her mouth (bleah!)...awww..... I love u Hueyling!! U are such a sweetie, where can i find a friend like this?? Hee... =D By the way....can i know why am i know as the chameleon queen??? =D
Not forgetting my poly mates, thanks for the kareoke session!! haha... i know u guys probably puked when u all got home...cos i can't sing for nuts! As wat someone said...i probably croaked.... -_-"' Never mind!! I made an attempt to sing Chinese songs anyway, with my friends guiding me along with the ever so difficult to read characters...Gosh! I returned everything back to my chinese "lao shi" long time ago. But still...i consider finishing the chinese songs as an achievement, ha! Okie, i have not uploaded the photos yet...sorry!!!! I will do so when i have the time okie... won't be too long i will let u all know. =D
At work now...but can't wait till 12.30pm!! Gonna meet Ailin for a shopping spree..haha! If only i can have a shopping spree...sigh...eating grass this month...thank goodness pay day is coming soon... We are gonna get pressies for each other today, yeay!
Anyway, my birthday yesterday went like this.... worked from 9am to 5.30pm...rushed to class at 7pm... finished at abt 9pm...walked home under the heavy rain, while juggling my bag, file and umbrella... got home... sleep.... exciting rite?? Well... i guess i was really exhausted... seemed like there was no ounce of energy or life left inside me... but then it wasn't so bad... my bosses and colleagues remembered my b'day and bought a cake and pressies... i was touched...=D Of cos, credit still goes to Ailin and Hueyling for making my day jus a bit more bearable yesterday...despite me feeling really worn out. But then, simple things like tat makes me happy and satisfied... i was especially touched when Hueyling called me last nite... i was probably beaming into dreamland....Thanks again gal =D
Had a good sleep...feeling so much better now... =D Watever negative thoughts are pushed out of my mind... i jus wanna be happy today, and enjoy myself to the fullest, before work week starts again... oh not only that, before hordes of stress starts to pile up as well...talking about exams...sigh... its okie! I'm gonna get through this!
Lastly, thanks mummy for tat lovely hug and kiss.....and uh..not forgetting tat "ang pao", and also Bong for the wonderful pressie and cake=D
"Gratitude is born in hearts that take time to count up past mercies" Charles E. Jefferson
Lady Syl scribbled at
9:48 AM
Monday, October 18, 2004
Faith is being renewed today.... and i'm loving that feeling... He makes things possible for me... and i wanna say Thank You for being there...never have i felt so comforted... my friend's grandpa's illness took to a better turn... It is all thanks to Him.... He is good all the time.... Yes...child like faith... faith of a mustard seed...tat moves mountains... I love You becuz You first love me... =D
"The spirit within us will faithfully guide us"
Lady Syl scribbled at
11:50 PM
Sunday, October 17, 2004
 Me and my Bailey's...a toast to u! The Fairyland in Reality...
Lady Syl scribbled at
12:33 PM
Almost drunk as i crawled my way back home... but i had a great time yesterday!! Special thanks to Yiling, Huijia and Hueyling, for taking time off your precious weekend to celebrate a super advance b'day celebration for me!! Luv you guys loads... it was really a fun filled day yesterday for me... that i wish the saturday could last longer... To start it off... dinner at Crystal Jade was great! Jia, I'm sure u loved the Xiao Long Bao rite?? =D It was sooo yummy... i guess the waiting and standing around for tables was worth it...cuz the good food compensated for my already then wobbly legs, and i was slowly diminishing into a bag of bones.... Hueyling was apparently not really herself yesterday, oh wait, besides the complaining part... She's developing a violent streak!!! *gasp!* *punches her nose with a satisfied smirk* Bleah!~
Erm...Jia... u were saying something about going home after dinner?? Hmmm...looks like Aquadisac anticed you enough to stay on...haha!! But well...I'm thankful for that... i know you have had a thoroughly busy day at work, and loosing your voice... *hugs* As for Yiling, thanks for doing all the shopping and getting that wonderful Roxy bag for me!! I'm soooo in love with it now! Its jus great! =D
Aquadisac has a great ambience, not forgetting the platform, that almost helped turn into reality, fantasies about strutting our stuff on the catwalk. =D Oh yeah... drinks for me was actually jus a simple glass of bailey's... however Hueyling invited a friend, Arthur.... oh hearing that they were celebrating my special day, he decided to buy me a drink....and guess wat drink it was...Read this... A FLAMING LAMBORGINI!! i nearly died.... it was so potent for me...that within a few minutes... i was already feeling the effects of the alcohol! U know...he could have jus gotten me another Bailey's, i would be happy with jus that.... hmmm... okie, but Arthur was undeniably do i sound nicer now?? =D Oh yeah, Jia....u seem to be known as the undisputed clubber now!!!! *whistle*
But on the whole...the crowd at Aquadisac is "dead", its a saturday nite for Christ sake!! Wassup with the people there...but we found a friendly waiter, Isz, that made that place slightly more endurable, haha! He even helped us to get a better table!! Thanks Isz!
Okie ladies... i've uploaded our pics...go on to the link . Hope u guys will love the pics... =D
"Learning to live in the present moment is part of the path of joy" Sarah Ban Breathnach
Lady Syl scribbled at
11:25 AM
Tuesday, October 12, 2004
Yesterday, after trimming my hair and having dinner with my mum, i was waiting at the bus stop jus in front of people's park complex... and this will probably be one of the most interesting experience... you'd probably ask "wat can be so interesting about waiting at the bus stop?", well, i'm telling u it is...
Okie i guess by now, you guys will know about the recent hype about China ladies (more affectionately known as xiao long nu) coming to Singapore with the aim of cheating old desperate men off their CPF money?? I have never really grasped the seriousness of this situation till yesterday... where i saw with my own eyes, and heard a conversation tat took place jus behind me and my mum... anyway, if u wanna say tat we are kaypohs and tat we were eavesdropping, come on, the whole scene happened jus behind where we were standing, were we supposed to move away jus because such a conversation was taking place? Don't make sense rite? Okie, so this China lady came and approached this ah-pek and asked if he was interested to be friends, and whether she could call him. He, being quite a despo, asked if she provided massaging services, and of cos she did! They talked quite a fair bit, which i couldn't really make out, but ended up exchanging numbers... and i managed to finally get up onto the bus tat i have been waiting for a bloody long time....
I can never understand old men like tat... why can't they get into their thick head tat these ladies are only out to dry their cpf savings... and yet they will be there, "donating" their money gladly...and proudly, may i add.... and their poor wives will be at home, not knowing wat is happening... and when the need arises, these men will complain tat they do not have sufficient money for retirement or to last them through their golden years... I'll jus say, SERVE THEM RIGHT!! I also cannot understand why these ladies have to be family wreckers, jus so tat they can earn...oops... get easy money like tat... why not get a decent job!! Something tat won't break up a family or cause unhappiness!! I absolutely despise people like tat...wait, before u start to accuse me of discriminating against ladies from the Mainland, please read tat all these while, i have been discriminating against marriage and family wreckers... correct me if i shouldn't, but i doubt anything can change my perception. Anyone who tries to wreck peoples' family should jus burn and rot in hell.... Much as i'm supposed to forgive and forget, i doubt i can... can anyone tell me how??
"Glory built on selfish principles is shame and guilt" William Cowper
Lady Syl scribbled at
1:41 PM
Sunday, October 10, 2004
Hey peeps!! My pc at home is back again!! Had to spend $210 for the labour and the processor chip man! It was burnt!! Resulting in the break down of it...thank goodness, non of the info and files are corrupted! Yay!! I can do my assignment at home and not stay in the office to do them anymore! But think i'm gonna have to eat grass for the rest of the remaining October....*sobz*
Lady Syl scribbled at
6:30 PM
Saturday, October 09, 2004
Yay! Its finally Saturday! And I'm so happy...cos i have waited for the weekend for wat seems like eternity. But u know gum at the back of my mouth has been hurting for days (and getting worse)... i can only pray tat its not a wisdom tooth trying to force its way up... cos i cannot imagine wat's gonna happen, if i gotta go to the dentist to have it extracted... and i have got phobia of dentists since the first time i went to visit one when i was a young girl. They are nasty people! (imagine myself using one of their instruments to poke it rite up their noserils)*smirks*
Anyway Jia, Hueling, and Yiling, my sacred wish list is finally out! Please proceed to the segment under Facts of Absolutely Me to take a look.... hmmm....can it be subjected to changes?? *grins* Anyway i still don't really know wat i want, cos i have been too busy lately... *cries* I need more retail therapy! By the way, thanks Yiling dear, for accompanying me for a shopping session, man... i enjoyed myself tremendously, but i was also in terrible agony, cos of those stupid heels... hehe, i have been wearing flats ever since till now... tat shows how i really suck at walking on heels.... Hueyling, i can never understand how you can actually run on them *kneels down on all fours and worship* Btw, regarding the pressies, ladies, please mix and match together with anything, think especially Jia will understand wat i mean... it was like tat last year too... =D
I've been feeling happy recently, seems like things are going pretty well for me... let's hope tat it will stay this way... =D Well, i guess, sometimes i cannot avoid doubts from entering my head, but sometimes, maybe its best to jus forget about it, and enjoy wat i have now... no point brooding... no point in making myself depressed... U know sometimes, when i see people around me having problems of any kind, i will somehow start to think whether such issues will happen to me as well... well, i'll admit tat relationship issues will affect me the most... thinking about wat the future might bring is indeed scary...won't it be nice if i were psychic or if i were to have supernatural powers, and be like one of the Charmed ones, so tat i can predict everything tat's gonna happen, jus at the snap of my fingers? (of cuz, not forgetting to look as beautiful and sexy as them)But then again, being able to know the future can be scary too... i think a person will get all obsessed with knowing about it, they'll probably spend 3/4 of the day trying to see wat's gonna happen in 5mins! And they'll be filled with lots of anxieties, cos they know wat's gonna happn! Right, think i'm contradicting myself here... do i wanna know the future or not??!!! Never mind...forget about it... I'm jus sprouting nonsense.. -_-"'
Alas, one of my bosses is going to Philippines for the whole coming week! Tat's good, really good! Shoo, shoo!! Stay there, and don't come back! Live there for like 10000 years or something! Ha! K i'm mean, but when the bosses are not around, its really so much more relaxed man! Then i can start surfing watever porn sites available for my perverted eyes... (U believe??), or transform the whole office into a disco... or jus self proclaim tat its an off day and head to town for shopping... Sylvia, wake up... there is still another boss watching like a hawk...!!!!!!!!!
"Cherish all your happy moments, they make a fine cushion for old age" Christopher Morley
Lady Syl scribbled at
9:48 AM
Thursday, October 07, 2004
Hey guys, jus did this quiz out of boredom, haha....u can jus fill in your name in the box, and your answers will be generated automatically. Have fun!
Lady Syl scribbled at
3:08 PM
Wednesday, October 06, 2004
My female colleague is bringing the whole office mood down AGAIN...yes, notice i stress on the word AGAIN?? This has been happening like 2 to 3 times already, ever since i joined the company in March this year...and i'm getting so SICK of it... my other colleagues also have totally no clue as to wat is happening, and she wouldn't say wat is wrong, except to sulk and look really depressed, and jus stop talking to all of us altogether... And all of us jus have to suffer in silence and jus cuz we don't have a choice.... K watever, she can brood all she wants... i shall stop being nice and try to find out wat the hell is wrong...
Sigh... i'm really stuck with my assignment, looks like the info i need can't be easily found, or maybe, it can't be easily integrated into the subject itself... and the worst thing is, my home desktop has crashed and died on me.... how great... wat a wonderful timing... can things get any worse? Probably this weekend, gotta go to sim lim square to buy some ram or watsoever mother board.... gosh, more money to hoo!!! Gotta eat grass for the rest of the month... anyone willing to sponsor me more money for shopping? =D
Rite, yes, jia, hueyling, i owe u my wishlist...haha! Speaking of which, i have not even really thought of wat i want! Okie, i promise tat the sacred list will be out by end of this week, latest...(at least i hope so) Well, u can't blame me really, i have been busy.... refer to the above second paragraph, busy with my assignment!! So i have a valid reason. *smirks*
Ailin and i have not been putting our blood and sweat into our work this whole week, we have been thinking about nothing but on how to celebrate our approaching anniversary since we tumbled on earth like 22 years ago. We have agreed to celebrate together, however, this is like the worst case scenario... she can't take leave on her actual birthdate to celebrate, cos she has to stand in for a colleague who won't be around in the office, and as for me, there really isn't any point for me to celebrate on tat day as well, cuz i have a nite class. *faints* Anyway, never mind, the date will be selected and compromised eventually... we jus wanna go have a shopping spree and have a sumptious dinner man!! Of cuz, not forgetting Adrian and Bong... Another problem, our pay comes later than those dates...means after spending most of our assets in the bank, we are gonna have to beg for money on the streets before getting our next pay cheque. How pathetic... =(
Anyway think u guys should have noticed by now that i have changed my tag board to the chatterbox??? Ain't it cute.... hehe... never mind, i think its cute! Keep the comments coming in okie... its getting awefully quiet in here..... i need communication!
"A strong positive mental attitude will create more miracles than any wonder drug" Patricia Neal
Lady Syl scribbled at
10:39 AM
Sunday, October 03, 2004
 A gathering with Bong and his army buddies together with their gfs at Heeren Marche... Look at the "chairman" trying to gobble down his ice cream crepes... The Fairyland in Reality...
Lady Syl scribbled at
12:45 AM
 Bong and me..a very possibly gross looking me...*sobs* The Fairyland in Reality...
Lady Syl scribbled at
12:44 AM
 And as wat they termed "Da Wives Club" The Fairyland in Reality...
Lady Syl scribbled at
12:42 AM
Saturday, October 02, 2004
 Me and my poly mates! Me!
Lady Syl scribbled at
12:47 AM