Tuesday, August 10, 2004
Okie, jus came back from a longer weekend then usual, jus wanna say Happy Birthday Singapore! And yeah, i'm gonna miss PM Goh, he has been a really great leader...now tat he's stepping down...i dunno if the next PM will be able to measure up to him...but never mind, give the new PM the benefit of the doubt tat he's as good... anyway its still too early to judge...
Yesterday spent a fun filled day will my long time buddies...had an early celebration of Yiling's birthday...went for a movie...watched The Notebook, and its really good! Its so heart warming, and jus so lovey dovey! Sigh...Ryan Gosling is jus mesmerizing....i can practically melt under his gaze! And it jus portrayed how an old couple can still be soooo loving...much as we hate to admit, we seldom see an old loving couple, dancing together, holding hands.... telling each other how much they love each other...having a candle lit dinner together... and u know wat, each time i see an old couple holdings hands, i will stop watever i'm doing and stare...not tat i feel disgusted, but i envy them so...and often wonder, if my future husband and i are gonna be like tat even though we are old, hunched and wrinkled like a prune. There was a question in the movie, being posed by the old lady, she asked her husband if love can do a miracle, and if love can take the both of them away from this world together... and the husband jus told her love can....sigh...
Okies...after the movie, we did a little bit of shopping, i bought a mascara from Estee Lauder, cost me 37 bucks, hopefully its money well spent...after tat, went back to my house and rested for a while, before heading down to east coast park for dinner. And it was really crowded... anyway had one of the best tasting bolognese spagetti there..although its pretty pricey, its $18! After tat, went back to my place again, cos my friends wanted to see Autumn, haha...
Okie..today...back to work...while i was on the bus to work...i was thinking how much i dreaded work...cos i guess, i'm not an admin kinda person...i hate to do filings (Especially this!!), i hate data entries... i hate lots of things tat an admin staff is supposed to do... I hate it tat the office is really boring...i hate it tat i've got to tolerate all the working days till the almost non existing weekends...well....i know this is not the rite kind of attitude...i know i should feel damn lucky tat i've got a job while others don't, i know tat i should feel blessed tat this job came by a week after i completed my contract with SP Services, i know tat i should also feel darn lucky tat i'm still earning at least a miserable sum of money every month even though i've got tons of bills to pay off....
I was praying to God tat he will give me a clue, give me something tat i will really enjoy doing, i need to be on my feet! I need to move! Like working in the zoo?? Sounds weird?? Maybe...but i feel its better than torturing myself in office... feeling so darn lousy today...wonder wat will manage to cheer me up... don't even have the appetite to finish my breakfast... gosh i really need something tat i won't find a chore doing, i need to enjoy doing it! But i really dunno wat!! (pulls hair out). Maybe i should go back to the job ads and find a clue, but its only been 5 months here! Is my tolerant level tat low???? If so...then i really need to improve myself, but....but....sigh.... anyway, hopefully the quote below will cheer me up...
"You don't have to worry about eyestrain from looking on the brighter side of life"
Lady Syl scribbled at
10:12 AM
At 9:42 PM,
Jiatine said…
yah! ryan gosling is so so cute! anyway, just wanna comment on the movie, 'the notebook'. it was really heart warming to watch that show, it's not the usual 'i love you and sex only' shows but it's a show that depicts long lasting love between a couple. ok fine, though it's abit over-exaggerated (as usual, the Hollywood style), but it really makes me wonder how many couples in the world at this age have long lasting love. i especially love the part abt them fighting and when Noah (Gosling's character) says, 'we always fight! to me, i feel that a relationship needs to go thru 'fighting' in order to see the other partner's real personality.
anyway, syl..abt ur job..if you do not have the passion for the job, i would say go and look for another one..that's what u told me too!! for me, my current job is a stepping stone too! eh send ur resume to the zoo lah!! love u lots!
At 3:46 PM,
Syl - Breseis said…
yeah maybe i really should jus send hor...haha...no lah..maybe i'll wait and see how things goes...but there's one thing i know...i need more money!! A higher pay will be good....at least i can save up more...
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