Thursday, September 09, 2004

Life seems to be in a dire state for me now... i feel so screwed up... so lost... the feeling is so indescribable... its jus totally in the pits for me... don't wanna elaborate more... jus feel tat i needed to release some stress tat's in me... Maybe i jus need some time to sort things out slowly... think things through... and maybe everything will be auto sorted out by then...

Decision making has never been an easy task, if only my future has been beautifully planned for me, and i jus need to follow the path laid out in front of me... these few days have been like roller coaster rides... with emotions running high and low... in fact, i feel tat i shouldn't be stressed out over minor issues..but somehow...uncontrollably, i jus do... maybe i should jus push everything to the back of my head, and jus say "HECK!" Friends have been asking me recently, like why i seem stressed, well, yeah apart from my exam stress... there seem to be lots of other things tat ignites my thought... oh man... i need a carefree life...

I haven't been able to sleep well recently... there's gotta be something wrong... don't think i'm having insomnia, this seems unexplainable... maybe even when i'm trying to fall asleep...sub consciously, lots of things are running through my head... God...think my brain needs to be taken out of my head and washed thoroughly! Looks like i'm having another crazy bout of depression... someone seriously have to book an appointment with a psychaiatrist for me... I'm having some mental problems! *Gasp* And the worse thing is...think my eye bags can contain all the animals on board Noah's Ark! i need an extreme makeover...

"God will load your world with flowers. He hand delivers a bouquet to your door every day. Open it! Take them! Then, when rejections come, you won't be left short petaled" Max Lucado

Lady Syl scribbled at 11:48 PM


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FactS Of AbsoLuTelY Me...

Who am I: Sylvia Liu

My favourite places:
Mei Chin Primary School
Broadrick Secondary School
Nanyang Polytechnic
Curtin University of Technology

Horoscope: Libra - Scorpio

Favourite colour: Yellow

Interests: Books, Greek mythologies, movies, shopping, hair, travelling, clarinets, salsa dance, Human Resources, Psychology, dogs

Location: Singapore

Family culture: My family and relatives practise kissing on cheeks and hugging. Some may find it weird, or tat we are too "ang-moish", but tat's how we express love.

Character: Wateva u perceive me to be... I shouldn't be praising myself, nor should I be condemning myself either

Wat else:
A gurl who may look aloof and reserved to u initially, but after the warm up session is over, will turn into a talkative person tat u may not be able to tolerate eventually. Turns uncontrollably into a replica of an alien when provoked(close friends and family members can vouch for tat). A narcissist...a nostalgic person...Absolutely affectionate to my chums, and hope tat my feelings are reciprocated...but i know they are, cos i have a bunch of alter egos tat have left wonderful footprints in my life(u know who u are).