Thinking...thinking...about how working life
sux... working and studying at the same time
sux even more... well wat can i say...i'm jus not cut out to be an administrative staff...but oh wat the hell...gotta bear with it for at least another 3 months or so... sigh... thinking of taking my bonus and run!! Haha...actually nah...jus wanna see if i can cope for my next semester, if not...i may jus consider taking a part time job instead...and concentrate more on my studies...
Was reminisicing about secondary school life.... so carefree then...and the only stress was how to score well in exams... oh well...tat's besides the point... i was thinking back on my days when i was a quarter mistress in the military band... all thanks to Hueyling for "recruiting" me in... but seriously, i enjoyed my role, cos i get to scream at people who refuse to keep their instruments as quickly as their hands and feet can move, holler at them for damaging their instruments... curse and swear at fellow band mates for needing new rigs, new parts, new wateva (do u believe tat?)...having to be the one to lock the damn-hard-to-lock- instrument room door... My clarinet was like my prized possession...each time i had to change to another clarinet, my heart was like breaking into pieces*sobz* Its like jus when i'm starting to build a "loving relationship" with my clarinet, it gets taken away from me... boohoo!
I love music...i always have since i was a young kid, imagine me appreciating Michael Jackson, Madonna, Rod Stewart, Debbie Gibson at the tender young age of like 4?? Thinking back, i'm kinda amused myself.... Was in the Recorder Group in primary school, following with the military band in sec school... maybe i should have persued my interest in music... like learning the piano, violin, and be like the cool Vanessa Mae! I've always envied friends who can play the piano... i think its a really elegant musical instrument! Speaking of piano, my ex classmate, Melvyn is wonderfully talented! He doesn't need to attend music classes, to play a piece on the piano....woohoo! Way to go Mel!
Continuation on band... will always remember the days where all of us had to bake our heads in the scorching sun while practise for competitions... Boy it wasn't an easy task! Not to mention, we had our instruments with us... my thumb nearly turned crooked cos of tat... hey the clarinet gets mysteriously heavier each minute okie!! Plus a step wrong, means start from the beginning again... all these foot drills got me ridiculously dark then... mum was getting worried! But all in all...i really enjoyed the couple of years where i participated in the band, as a whole, we were united in a way...tat can sometimes be a lil' surprising! =p
Oh yeah the downside of being a senior in the band, tat is u had to guide your juniors...whom i really don't give a damn... cos they kinda get onto my nerves!! Will never forget this gal, if i'm not wrong, her name is Siewling... she kept laughing while my friends and i were desperately trying to get some tune into her brains... not forgetting her long fringe tat falls into her face perpetually, cos she simply refuses to pin it back... imagine the temptation i had to snip it off?? I had this serious urge to throw her down from the second level and jus get her outta my sight! Mean ain't I?? *Evil laughter* Basically, i think wat matters to her most was to attract Shihkai, my then Taiwanese classmate with the dimples tat apparently, gals except me were drooling over...Rite, and i'll not forget the fact tat becos he had trouble pronouncing my english name...he jus called me "Sofy".... have u started linking this to the sanitary pads yet?? ---- Wat the hell???!! I resigned to fate.....
Okies.... needa go have my dinner starving!! And i can't afford to loose more weight!
"No quotes for today"
Lady Syl scribbled at
7:36 PM
At 1:09 PM,
Syl - Breseis said…
Haha yeah! Tell me abt it!! Wonder wassup with their tongues or something, haha...k i'm being mean.. yeah i was called saliva before too...sudia...siuvia..and wat have u...shucks!
At 11:34 PM,
Fifi Zhang said…
Hahahaha.... Thank goodness... I dont have much trouble with my juniors...hahah... I mean... I just need to spend a little bit more time on teaching them the breathing techniques and how to read the scores faster... and Wa-LaH~!!! They're on their own... ( I told them if they dont practise well, the instructor's gonna transfer them to clarients or some other sections...And I told them all the trouble of those instruments...) hahaha... They got so scared, practise so hard that my section hardly needs drilling practise sessions....Nay-ne-nay-ne-bu-bu!!!! mauhahaha...And yup, you got that junior's name rite!!! muahaha... OMG!!! I still dont understand why Louis (ShihKai) is so "kawaii" that so many of our juniors like him? Perhaps we should suggest that we use him to advertise during the Freshie Welcome thingy back then...muahah *Bleah... Eh, being Quarter Mistress is not so bad wat... U can shout and scream ...muahahah... And I'm not a mean Chief QM to you wat... *Blink eyes ... Heee... At least I dont let u deal with the big boys in the bass sections... Sometimes I need to fold my skirt into like bermudas and put one leg on chair and shout at them to do keep instruments and other stuff (have to be Ah-Ling Commander, u know)...ahhah... And oh yah... Mel.E ... he's cool... Phantom of the Opera...recall? wah-sey~! and darn... I have almost clean forgotten those keys he thought me... Sharks! .... As for the marching part... I only dont like to keep standing still under the stupid setting sun... OMG!!! somemore our faces are facing west leh! I cant even see a thing when I march man!!! Oh yah... one more thing to add... next time, if those idiots still cant pronouce your name properly, just ask them to call u SYL lah... *_^
At 1:12 PM,
Syl - Breseis said…
Bleah!! Clarinetist all the way! Haha....Siewling seriously got onto my nerves each time i see her can...
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