Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Have u ever had this feeling where you thought that you may have gotten up the wrong bus? There are many times in the morning, on my way to work, i would get a sudden panic attack that i may have gotten up the wrong bus, till i see a familar person who boards the same bus like almost daily, do i relax. However there are times where i don't see the same people that i usually see every morning. Yeah...that happened to me this morning, nearly had a heart attack. My usually sardine packed bus just seemed empty as compared to any other days.

Lady Syl scribbled at 6:20 PM


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FactS Of AbsoLuTelY Me...

Who am I: Sylvia Liu

My favourite places:
Mei Chin Primary School
Broadrick Secondary School
Nanyang Polytechnic
Curtin University of Technology

Horoscope: Libra - Scorpio

Favourite colour: Yellow

Interests: Books, Greek mythologies, movies, shopping, hair, travelling, clarinets, salsa dance, Human Resources, Psychology, dogs

Location: Singapore

Family culture: My family and relatives practise kissing on cheeks and hugging. Some may find it weird, or tat we are too "ang-moish", but tat's how we express love.

Character: Wateva u perceive me to be... I shouldn't be praising myself, nor should I be condemning myself either

Wat else:
A gurl who may look aloof and reserved to u initially, but after the warm up session is over, will turn into a talkative person tat u may not be able to tolerate eventually. Turns uncontrollably into a replica of an alien when provoked(close friends and family members can vouch for tat). A narcissist...a nostalgic person...Absolutely affectionate to my chums, and hope tat my feelings are reciprocated...but i know they are, cos i have a bunch of alter egos tat have left wonderful footprints in my life(u know who u are).